Dianne Cyr Awarded Best Paper Award at ICIS 2008

Feb 04, 2009

Associate Professor Dianne Cyr won a Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) held December 14-17, 2008 in Paris. She was recognized for her paper titled “Website Design, Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Eight Country Investigation” which was presented as part of the Seventh Pre-ICIS HCI Research in MIS Workshop.

The abstract for the paper is as follows:
Website design elements (information design, information content, navigation design, visual design), disposition to trust, website trust, and transaction security are examined for differences in an eight country sample with a total of 1156 participants (including Canada, the United States, India, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Chile, and China). Within Canada, users from English Canada and French Canada were also compared. In a theoretical context that includes cultural differences for uncertainty avoidance (e.g. Hofstede’s classification) and the GLOBE study which identifies similar country clusters, overall and as predicted, low uncertainty avoidance countries of French Canada, English Canada, and the United States have the highest scores on the various constructs indicating more favorable reactions by users. Largest differences across most of the constructs occur between Germany, Japan, and China with other countries in the sample.

To download the five-page project summary presenting research highlights, click here.
For more information on Dr. Cyr’s research please follow this link.