SFU announces MSc Finance designation for graduate finance degree

Feb 06, 2012

The Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University is pleased to announce that its graduate finance degree has a new designation: MSc Finance.

The change reflects the evolution of Simon Fraser University’s popular graduate finance program, which attracts students from around the world.  Two years ago, faculty members and industry professionals redesigned what was then the Master of Financial Risk Management program – expanding the offering of core quantitative courses. In addition, the new MSc designation better reflects the two fields of specialization, risk management and investment management.

“The Master of Science in Finance designation properly reflects our vision and emphasis,” said Andrey Pavlov, Associate Professor of Finance and Academic Chair of the Master of Science in Finance program. “The 2008 financial crisis revealed the inadequacy of conventional wisdom pertaining to risk – and investment management.  It is clear that more sophisticated tools grounded in reality, rather than analytical convenience, are required. Mastering these tools requires strong quantitative skills and specific industry knowledge – two of the primary strengths of our program.”

Pavlov notes that the MSc designation will help graduates competing in the global arena for careers in finance, particularly in Asia, where an M.Sc. degree tends be better recognized. “In this sense, the change not only reflects the enhancements to the program, but also helps our graduates in the international job market,” he said.

The aforementioned growing focus on quantitative skills will also allow more students within the program to participate in SFU’s Student Investment Advisory Service. The $10 million portfolio is the largest student-managed investment fund in Canada.

In addition to the Master of Science in Finance program, the Beedie School is home to five other graduate business programs, offered at the downtown Segal Graduate School campus: MBA, EMBA, a Management of Technology MBA, PhD, and a Graduate Diploma in Business.

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