TEDxSFU to host exclusive TEDxCHANGE broadcast

Mar 26, 2013

The following press release was published by TEDxSFU.

Screen Shot 2013-03-26 at 2.13.15 PMTEDxSFU is hosting an exclusive video broadcast of the TEDxChange 2013 conference being held in Seattle, Washington. The event is free and registration is open to the public.

Convened by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and hosted by Melinda Gates, TEDxChange is streamed live around the world in over 40 countries, with a focus on issues surrounding global health and development. TEDxChange events are licensed by TED and centered on the live webcast of speakers hand-picked from the corners of the world, including vaccine advocates Salim Shekh and Sikha Patra, legal scholar Cathleen Kaveny, Harvard Masters in Public Policy candidate Halimatou Hima, and former Wall Street Journal writer Roger Thurow.

TEDxSFUChange is one of over 175 events happening around the globe that will expand on the theme of Positive Disruption and emphasize the power of breaking barriers to change preconceived attitudes. By challenging old assumptions and exposing new possibilities, TEDxSFUChange offers an incredible opportunity to use ideas worth spreading as a path to true progress.

Join the changemakers of the SFU community on April 3rd, 2013 at the Djavad Mowafaghian Theatre, Simon Fraser University from 6:00 – 8:30pm and get ready to listen to and discuss ideas that will change communities on a global scale.

Register for limited spots starting March 18th at tedxsfu.com.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for regular updates on this year’s fall conference.


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