Statement from the Dean on U.S. Travel Ban

Feb 01, 2017

The Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, like other faculties and universities around the world, is deeply concerned by the travel restrictions currently in effect in the United States. We express our solidarity with those individuals, particularly students and faculty members, affected by the executive order. Like fellow institutions of higher education in the United States and elsewhere, we condemn the denial of freedoms by these arbitrary measures, which risk breaking up communities of learning and disrupting the creation and dissemination of knowledge.

Our staff, faculty and counselling services will be available to provide support for any of our students who are directly or indirectly affected by the travel ban.

In the spirit of solidarity, and cognizant of Canada’s offer of temporary permits for those stranded by the ban, we are implementing an expedited process to admit affected students to the Beedie MBA programs to continue their studies, where possible. We are also extending deadlines for application to our MBA programs, for students at research-intensive American business schools who are prevented from continuing their studies. Our Undergraduate Program will continue to accept high school and transfer applications for Fall 2017 until the end of February, and is committed to supporting those affected in their transition to university. In addition, we would welcome applications from faculty members from our peer institutions in the United States who are unable to return to their university.

We believe in the power of knowledge and learning to overcome differences and improve local and global communities. We will endeavor to use our resources to allow those whose paths of learning and teaching have been interrupted by this travel ban to continue their pursuits. Any students or faculty members at a research-intensive U.S. business school, who are unable to return to their university or workplace as a result of this executive order, can reach out in confidence to a dedicated email account that have created,

Ali Dastmalchian

Dean, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University

Click here to read a statement on the travel ban from Andrew Petter, President and Vice-Chancellor of Simon Fraser University.

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