How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending November 13, 2009.


Beedie School of Business News

The Learning Strategies Group, in partnership with the Industry Council for Aboriginal Business (ICAB), launched the pilot of a unique exchange program that provides Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal senior leaders with the opportunity to learn about each other’s workplaces, social environments, and decision-making processes to help facilitate better business relationships. We are excited to be working with ICAB on this innovative pilot project, it’s a first in Canada and it provides us with a unique opportunity […]



The economic slump offers business leaders a chance to more effectively reward talented employees by emphasizing nonfinancial motivators rather than bonuses. A recent McKinsey survey indicates that executives find some nonmonetary rewards motivate employees better than cash bonuses do. In particular, the survey identified that a chance to lead projects and participate in leadership and learning opportunities as top motivators and a powerful ways of inspiring employees to make a strong contribution at a challenging […]



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending November 6, 2009.


Beedie School of Business News

Professor of Marketing, Leyland Pitt will be receiving an honorary doctorate (PhD Honoris Causa) on November 9th awarded by the Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden. This honour is in recognition of Leyland’s work in the areas of eCommerce and Internet Marketing in general, and specifically for his contributions to the establishment and development of the PhD programs in marketing and eCommerce within the Division of Industrial Marketing, eCommerce and Logistics at the Lulea University […]



Award-winning students and faculty and a significant commitment to research activity and library spending combined to help SFU win top spot for the second year in a row in the 2009 annual Maclean’s ranking of Canada’s comprehensive universities. The comprehensive category includes 11 universities that have a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs and professional degrees as well as significant research activity. The rankings consider a variety of factors, including expenditures on student services, […]


Beedie School of Business News

SFU Business may be the first University business school in Canada to appoint a Sustainability Entrepreneur in Residence. LEED-accredited (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and former SFU Business Assistant Professor – Entrepreneurship, Dr. Boyd Cohen, will occupy this unique position. Dr. Cohen stepped away from the academic tenure track to focus full time on his own sustainable initiative launched in 2008, 3rd Whale Media (www.3rdwhale.com). 3rd Whale Media is the leading provider of mobile […]



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending October 30, 2009.


Beedie School of Business News

MOT MBA Alumni and Saltworks Technology founders, Ben Sparrow and Joshua Zoshi, have been featured in the current issue of The Economist. Past winners of the New Ventures BC Competition, Saltworks Technology addresses the issues of the production of potable water through a desalination process that is designed to be economical, environmentally sensitive and sustainable. This year, Saltworks has completed a solar capture station in the Okanagan for heat capture testing, has partnered with the […]


Beedie School of Business News

RBC announced the winner of its RBC Mini Innovation Challenge. For the 2009 competition, the challenge for student proposals was about organizations and social innovation: “Organizations that support Social Innovation and create social good will do better if they can work together but currently mechanisms do not exist that support easy and effective group-to-group collaboration. Suggest innovative ways to allow these organizations to connect and collaborate.” A total of 51 teams registered, with SFU representing […]


Beedie School of Business News

Starting with the November 2009 Academy of Marketing Science Quarterly newsletter, PhD candidate in Marketing, Colin Campbell, has started up an interview series with the assistance of AMSQ Editor, Theresa Flaherty. The column is titled “New Minds meet Great Minds” and will pair PhD students in marketing with established marketing academics for each interview. The first installment features Anjali Bal (PhD Marketing, SFU) interviewing Dr. Jagdeish Sheth, the Charles H. Kellstandt Professor of Marketing at […]


Beedie School of Business News

Marketing Professor, Leyland Pitt has received a seed grant from the Advanced Practices Council (APC) of the Society for Information Management to investigate “iApps in U-Space: Developing Customer Service Applications for Smart Phones”, with Iris Junglas, University of Houston. The Advanced Practices Council is a forum for senior IT executives who commission exclusive research and share cross-industry perspectives. This grant is awarded for a proposal that is to be developed into a presentation for an […]


Beedie School of Business News

The Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology), formally announced 181 Canada Research Chairs newly awarded or renewed in 45 Canadian universities. As part of that announcement, Associate Professor Ian McCarthy’s Canada Research Chair in Technology and Operations Research has been renewed for five years.


Beedie School of Business News

BC Hydro, which has women in six of its 10 senior management team positions, is the first recipient of SFU’s new Nancy McKinstry award for leadership in gender diversity. McKinstry, now retired, is a former vice-president of Odlum Brown Limited and past chair of the SFU board of directors and of the Investment Dealers Association of B.C.



From SFU News Online. By Barry Shell In April 2009, Alberta oil-sands giant Suncor Energy was fined $675,000 for not installing pollution-control equipment at one of its plants near Fort McMurray. But in a gratifying turn for academics, the provincial court applied something new called creative sentencing, which in part resulted in a $315,000 research project for SFU Business assistant professor Stephanie Bertels and colleagues at the University of Calgary. The project will examine the […]



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending October 16, 2009.



The British Columbia Human Resources Management Association (BC HRMA) interviews Rick Colbourne, Executive Director of the Learning Strategies Group. Link to the Interview


Beedie School of Business News

John Turley-Ewart of the Financial Post recently interviewed Faculty of Business Administration Dean Daniel Shapiro about our MBA programs and our approach to business education. “We positioned ourselves as providers of relatively small cohort-based MBA programs that target very specific sectors or demographic groups, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all MBA.” – Daniel Shapiro. To read the interview, click here.



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending October 9, 2009.


Beedie School of Business News

The Dean’s Dream

Sep 30, 2009

SFU Business Dean, Daniel Shapiro, was recently interviewed by Business in Vancouver. The interview was published in BIV’s Colour Series – Blue Edition. The issue focuses on how business can use technology and innovation to improve profitability, growth and long-term staying power. “I don’t think to date there has been widespread acceptance or even understanding of how modern technology can be used by leaders to enhance leadership” – Daniel Shapiro, dean of SFU’s faculty of […]


Beedie School of Business News

An Innovator’s MBA

Sep 30, 2009

MBA alumna Wahiba Chair was featured in a recent Financial Post article about universities, MBA programs and entrepreneurship. “I was an engineer and had no business skills when I entered the program in 2007,” says Ms. Chair. “I had a vision for my company but I did not have a refined product. I was able to tailor the courses to allow me to refine my concept and take it into a viable business. My thesis […]



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending September 25, 2009.



SFU Canada Research Chairs Seminar Series at the IRMACS Centre Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009 Time: 11:30 – 12:20 Room: IRMACS Presentation Studio, ASB10900 Speaker: Dr. Ian P. McCarthy, Canada Research Chair in Technology & Operations Management, Segal Graduate School of Business



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending September 17, 2009.



Measuring the Impact of ROI in HR Programs: A Knowledge and Networking Event with Dr. Jack Phillips and Dr. Patti Phillips September 30, 2009 Segal Graduate School of Business 500 Granville St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6C 1W6. Register at http://www.bchrma.org/content/events/ls/details.cfm?EventID=036-111 What will be discussed The morning tackles the key questions that often arise about this level of accountability. Why ROI? What’s the value of having this information? How do I implement ROI? What is […]



New Book

Sep 15, 2009

Institutional Work: Actors and Agency in Institutional Studies of Organizations Edited by: Thomas B. Lawrence Simon Fraser University Roy Suddaby University of Alberta Bernard Leca ESC Rouen http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521518550 The ‘institutional’ approach to organizational research has shown how enduring features of social life – such as marriage and bureaucracy – act as mechanisms of social control. Such approaches have traditionally focused attention on the relationships between organizations and the fields in which they operate, providing strong […]



Ming and Stella Wong Professor of International Business, Dr. Rosalie L. Tung was recently featured in a Vancouver Sun article by Joanne Lee-Young about her presentation on human capital, the knowledge economy and ‘brain circulation’ vs. ‘brain drain/gain’ at the David Lam Centre.



Dr. David R. Hannah and PhD candidate Kirsten Pankratz have co-authored a paper titled “An Empirical Examination of Employee Responses to Confidential Information Rules” that was accepted for the 2009 Academy of Management meeting. The paper has been judged by AOM reviewers as one of the best papers accepted and the Academy have awarded it the honour of being published as part of the Best Paper Proceedings for the 2009 conference.



David C. Thomas, prof of international management and director of the new SFU Centre for Global Workforce Strategy, was on BlogTalkRadio.com. He talked about how in a global economy the ability to interact across cultures is a fundamental job requirement for just about everyone. David describes a universal set of techniques and people skills that helps you to adapt quickly to and thrive in any cultural environment. He also addresses the interplay of race and […]



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending September 4, 2009.



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending August 28, 2009.



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending August 21, 2009.



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending August 14, 2009.



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending July 31, 2009.


Beedie School of Business News

Live Your Dream

Jul 29, 2009

2006 BBA graduate Terry Beech is on a mission to help others achieve their dreams. He and his twin brother, Doug, have created Twinbro.com, which through seminars, workshops and social media strategies, inspires students to pursue their goals, teaches strategies for improving scholarship and admissions applications and encourages leadership. Terry is also completing his MBA at Oxford University. Excerpted from the 2008/9 SFU Report to the Community.


Beedie School of Business News

Catalyst for Change

Jul 29, 2009

Fourth-year business/anthropology student Sean Peters is helping third-world entrepreneurs and their families escape poverty. As founder of the SFU chapter of Agents for Change (www.globalafc.org) and the organizer of a micro-credit fundraising competition, he inspired fellow business students to raise $6000 and use it to make loans to entrepreneurs in the developing world.


Beedie School of Business News

SFU Business student Milun Tesovic and co-founder of MetroLeap Media, which operates MetroLyrics, was recently profiled on Shaw Cable’s The Express and GlobalTV’s Morning News.



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending July 17, 2009.


Beedie School of Business News

It is my pleasure, as Chair of the Teaching Effectiveness Committee, to announce the winners of the 2009 TD Canada Trust Distinguished Teaching Awards: Mr. Kamal Masri and Dr. John Peloza.


Beedie School of Business News

SFU Business students Courtney Eng, Lael Locher and Andrew Clements competed in the Singapore Apex Global Business Competition and came inches away from 1st place walking away with trophies and prizes for first runner up. Among a competitive field of 16 teams from 11 countries in four divisions, teams were given just 24 hours to develop a solution to problems facing real world energy company Vestas, a Danish wind turbine company.



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending July 3, 2009.


Beedie School of Business News

Date: Thursday, July 16th Location: Segal Graduate School of Business  – 500 Granville St, Vancouver, BC



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending June 12, 2009.


Beedie School of Business News

The Faculty of Business Administration, Simon Fraser University was awarded EQUIS accreditation on June 2nd. This takes the number of accredited schools to 117 across 34 countries. “We are delighted to have earned EQUIS accreditation. We have set high standards for ourselves and are proud of our world-class faculty, our innovative programs and our close ties with the business community. The accreditation process was an opportunity to benchmark our performance in various areas with very […]



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending June 12, 2009.



How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending June 4, 2009. National News Business prof Aidan Vining was quoted in a Canwest News Service story saying the federal finance department has flagged several prominent Crown corporations as entities that could (at least in theory) be sold as part of the government’s asset review—including the CBC and VIA Rail. “They’re not the classic privatization candidates, where you sell and walk away—unless, of course, […]


Beedie School of Business News

When:     Wednesday, June 17, 2009 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Facility:     Segal Graduate School of Business Location:    500 Granville St. Vancouver, BC Room #2300 (Rix Boardroom on the 2nd floor) Ticket(s):    Guests, $8.00; Associate Members, $5.00; Members, $0.00 Location is Wheelchair Accessible Light refreshments will be served.


Beedie School of Business News

Have you ever wondered what high school students really think about post secondary education? Ten teams from five high schools in Surrey gathered this Saturday at the SFU Surrey campus to compete in the second annual Wideman Education Foundation (WEF) Project Management competition. The competition featured teams of high school students who produced short videos on why students like them should consider post secondary education. The event was jointly organized by the WEF, the Faculty […]



How can you improve critical thinking and presentation skills?  Experience emotion, from heart-pounding tension to exhilaration?  And do this all in as little as three hours?  The answer of course, is to participate in a student case competition. It has been my pleasure over the last six years, to assist many accounting student teams in their preparation.  The actual competition may occur over a few hours or a few days but teams spend many advance […]



In 1938, John Dewey, the influential philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer wrote that “All genuine education comes through experience.” Along with many other business educators I take his words very seriously, so much so that I designed a course on Organization Theory that simulates the experience of real organizations for undergraduate business students. The basic structure of the class is as follows. Before they arrive in class on the first day, every student is assigned […]