
Beedie School of Business News

Beedie study finds dark side to rewarding ourselves with luxury goods. The following article was published by on March 31, 2014.


Beedie School of Business News

Whether it’s in the delivery of state-of-the-art smart phones or innovative health care, design thinking is an increasingly critical element for businesses and organizations in 2012. For David Dunne, Beedie School of Business Adjunct Senior Fellow, the intersection of design and business translates into major challenges and opportunities for managers, entrepreneurs and other leaders.

Design thinking is defined as approaching management problems as designers approach design problems. Though it has been traditionally associated with product and service design, it also has important implications for management, something recognized increasingly by both academic research and the business press.

Dunne, an award-winning management educator, author and consultant who is jointly appointed with the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, joined Simon Fraser University earlier this year. He combines international experience as a senior executive with an outstanding record as an academic.


Beedie School of Business News

As the Miami Heat professional basketball team duels with the Oklahoma City Heat Thunder in the NBA Finals for the league’s biggest prize, new academic research from SFU’s Beedie School of Business is putting the spotlight on the business thinking that brought the Miami team together. Two-time NBA Most Valuable Player Lebron James’ decision to play with a higher-profile Heat team and all-star teammates shows sound marketing and career-management acumen, according to the newly-published article focused on the evolution and importance of star status for today’s professional athletes.

In order to maximize their earnings and endorsements, today’s celebrity athletes — from James to David Beckham to Peyton Manning — need to be mindful of the evolution of their star status. That in turn has major implications for the teams they choose to play for, and the teams they turn down or leave behind.

So what makes a star shine even brighter in the world of pro sports? It’s a combination of not only personal performances and team records, but also includes the markets that athletes play in and the star calibre of the athletes they compete with.

The study, “Investigating the evolution of star status in professional team sports,” describes the rise and fall of celebrated athletes using data from the National Basketball Association (NBA) from 1987 to 2008.


Beedie School of Business News

New marketing research from SFU professor Leyland Pitt, focused on the relationship between luxury wine branding and social media, has been awarded the Outstanding Paper prize for 2012 by the Emerald Literati Network.

The article, entitled “Luxury wine brand visibility in social media:  An exploratory study” and published in International Journal of Wine Business Research, garnered the top billing as part of the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012.


Beedie School of Business News

So what makes a star shine even brighter in the world of pro sports? It’s a combination of not only personal performances and team records, but also includes the markets that athletes play in and the star calibre of the athletes they compete with.

The study, “Investigating the evolution of star status in professional team sports,” describes the rise and fall of celebrated athletes using data from the National Basketball Association (NBA) from 1987 to 2008. Published in the International Journal of Research in Marketing, it was authored by professors Yupin Yang of the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver and Mengze Shi from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.


Beedie School of Business News

In the wake of the announcement from Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi that he will be stepping down from his post, recent Beedie School of Business research points to his exploits as having a major impact on the image and reputation of his country. As national brands go, it has historically been hard to beat that of Italy’s. The country is renowned for its rich cultural life, one that attracts tourists, investors and migrants from more »


Beedie School of Business News

Undergraduate students from SFU’s Beedie School of Business and Italy’s Università Bocconi from the fashion capital of Milan joined forces to engage with iconic Canadian retailer Holt Renfrew on July 20. Holt’s, as it is often referred to as, is a chain of high-end department stores located across Canada. The chain was founded in 1837 in Quebec City.


Beedie School of Business News

Context, it turns out, is everything when it comes to politicians’ sex scandals and the impact of editorial cartoons that reflect the public’s reaction to them. A recent study from Simon Fraser University shows that political cartoons – pervasive in newspapers and increasingly social media channels such as blogs and YouTube – serve as a reflection of public sentiment in the wake of such scandals. They can be a valuable source of information to those who direct and manage individual political brands and guide their campaigns and careers. As a gauge of public reaction, they are for better or worse influenced by the unique circumstances of each scandal.