
Beedie School of Business News

The following article was published by the Georgia Straight on November 9, 2016. By Charlie Smith. Shawn Smith didn’t follow a conventional path to becoming a business-education innovator. Growing up in White Rock, he took the B.C. secondary-school curriculum by correspondence while working full-time, starting at the age of 15. “The original intention was to sort of Doogie Howser it and finish it all very early,” Smith told the Georgia Straight by phone. “I made more »


Beedie School of Business News

In the second part of a two-part interview, SFU Director of Entrepreneurship Sarah Lubik talks about the path her new role has led her on, why  entrepreneurship skills are so important today, and why SFU’s approach to teaching entrepreneurship is both empowering and unique.


Beedie School of Business News

  Simon Fraser University has opened the Charles Chang Innovation Centre, a new graduate student residence and innovation facility in downtown Vancouver.