Beedie School of Business lecturer Shafik Bhalloo’s engaging teaching style has won him many admirers in the short time he has taught at the Beedie School – so many, in fact, that it has resulted in him winning the 2013 TD Canada Trust Distinguished Teaching Award. Bhalloo joined the Beedie School of Business in 2008 as a sessional lecturer, where he teaches classes in commercial law, employment law, and business ethics. Outside of teaching, Bhalloo more »
Beedie School of Business lecturers Shafik Bhalloo and Anthony Chan have been named as recipients of the 2013 TD Canada Trust Distinguished Teaching Award, the highest teaching honour at SFU’s Beedie School of Business. The TD Canada Trust Distinguished Teaching Awards are presented each year to the two teachers at Beedie who exemplify qualities such as engagement, organization, discipline, enthusiasm and support in their teaching. Since 1990, Beedie School of Business students, faculty and alumni more »
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