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Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies

AA Framework for Firms' Innovation Capability Building in China


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Abstract: Chinese government began to promote innovation capacity-building in 1993 when programs for Technology Development Center (TDC) were authorized by central government. The government further released the “Outline of Medium and Long Term Plan for National Science & Technology Development (2006-2020)”, in which being an innovation-driven country becomes one of the goals of China by 2020. Thereafter, Chinese central government issued the supportive policies and released 76 detailed policy documents to implement the Outline, while local governments issued over 1,700 policy documents to strengthen the technology development and related commercialization as well as innovation capacity-building of firms. Firms’ innovation capability building is the key for transforming the national innovation system from one focusing on the public research institutes and universities to a firm-centered system. This talk consists of four parts, namely: (1) the evolution of national innovation system in China; (2) the evolution of the innovation capacity of enterprises in China, particularly the case of TDC; (3) the policy framework for firms’ innovation capability building in China; (4) the future trend of innovation management in enterprises.
Date: Friday, April 25, 2014


2:00pm – 3:30pm Presentation & QA


Segal Graduate School 500 Granville Street, Vancouver Room 2800 (2nd floor)




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 Dr. Rongping Mu Dr. Rongping Mu received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from University of Science and Technology of China, and his Ph.D. degree from Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. Dr. Mu is the director-general of Institute of Policy and Management of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the director of the CAS Center for Innovation and Development, and the director of the CAS Center for IPR Research and Training. Dr. Mu is a also member of the Economic and Scientific Advisory Board of the European Patent Office, International Advisory Board of the Thailand Government Office of S&T and Innovation, and Expert Consultation Commission of Beijing Municipal Government. Dr. Mu is also the editor of multiple research journals. He has published a book and more than 30 papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences, and drafted policy documents for the 11th and 12th Five-Year Plan for national innovation capacity building. He has led more than 30 research projects funded by various government agencies in China. His research interests include innovation policy, technology foresight, R&D management, and competitiveness of high-tech industry.