BC Innovation Council Awards BC MBA Access to Commercialization Scholarships

Jul 03, 2008

The BC Innovation Council has awarded 10 graduate business students from Simon Fraser University with BC MBA Access to Commercialization Scholarships (valued at up to $15,000). The scholarship program is part of a collaborative team model, partnering graduate business students with graduate applied science students (who are recipients of the BC Industrial Innovation Scholarship).

Each team is comprised of winners from each scholarship program, successfully demonstrating real-world partnerships between business and applied science. Together, they will develop and deliver business plans that advance their technologies towards commercialization. The will also pitch the business opportunity to a panel of industrial executives and investors. This collaborative model supports research and education in entrepreneurship and commercialization – leading the way to careers in B.C.’s growing advanced technology industry.

2007 BC MBA Access to Commercialization Scholarship Recipients

  • Lindsay Angelo
  • Wahiba Chair
  • Dr. Xu Sean Feng*
  • Jeffrey Hogewoning*
  • Patrick Wing Ho Lam
  • Dr. Jang Seob Joseph Lee
  • Dr. Nancy Lee
  • Dr. Valia Stravroula Lestou
  • Eugene Uchenna Nwachukwu
  • Dr. Kenneth To

* Recipient of Stage 1 BC MBA Access to Commercialization Scholarship