SFU Beedie Net Impact Case Competition welcomes Western Canada MBAs

May 29, 2014

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The Beedie School of Business will this weekend host the inaugural SFU Beedie Net Impact Sustainability Challenge Case Competition. The event, an inter-university sustainability-themed case competition, is organized by the SFU Beedie Net Impact chapter, and will be held at the Segal Graduate School in downtown Vancouver from 9am to 5pm on Saturday, May 31.

The competition will feature eight teams of MBA students from the University of Alberta, the University of Victoria, and the University of British Columbia, as well as from the Beedie School of Business full-time MBA and Management of Technology MBA programs.

Competing teams will be emailed the case at 5.30pm on Friday, May 30, and will be required to present their recommendations at 12.30pm the next day to a panel of esteemed judges, consisting of faculty, alumni and industry professionals.

The competition will offer approximately $2,500 in prizes, and will provide students with the opportunity to hone the skills learned in their studies, and enjoy networking opportunities with fellow students and participating judges.

“The SFU Beedie Net Impact Sustainability Challenge Case Competition was created in order to give proximal MBA schools the opportunity to compete, and provide students with the chance to use the skills and knowledge acquired through their programs,” said Anca Cvaci, a student in the Beedie full-time MBA program, and chair of the competition.

Net Impact is a leading global non-profit organization that empowers a new generation to use their careers to drive transformational change in the workplace and the world.

The SFU Beedie Net Impact Sustainability Challenge Case Competition is open to the public. Entry is free, and no registration is required. For more information, visit http://sfunetimpact.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/beedie-sfu-net-impact-sustainability-challenge/.

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