LSG Launches “Aboriginal Leadership Exchange”, in partnership with the Industry Council for Aboriginal Business (ICAB)

Nov 09, 2009

The Learning Strategies Group, in partnership with the Industry Council for Aboriginal Business (ICAB), launched the pilot of a unique exchange program that provides Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal senior leaders with the opportunity to learn about each other’s workplaces, social environments, and decision-making processes to help facilitate better business relationships.

We are excited to be working with ICAB on this innovative pilot project, it’s a first in Canada and it provides us with a unique opportunity to design and facilitate a safe experience through which Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal senior leaders can experience each other’s work and cultural environments to develop important insights into how their roles, responsibilities, motivations and values influence decision-making processes.

Participants in the pilot cohort are:

  • Chief Kim Baird, Tsawwassen First Nation
  • Ian Anderson, President, Kinder Morgan Canada
  • Chief Willie Charlie, Chehalis First Nation
  • Donald McInnes, Vice-Chairman and CEO, Plutonic Power Corporation
  • Chief Harold Aljam, Coldwater Indian Band
  • Graeme Barrit, President, Coast Hotels and Resorts

For more information about the Leadership Exchange, contact:

Kristina Henriksson, Executive Director, Learning Strategies Group – – 778.782.5255