Media Matters – SFU Business in the News – April 16

Apr 16, 2010

How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending April 16, 2010.

BC News

  • Business in Vancouver carried a full-page story on how Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal business celebrated a leadership exchange program aimed at reconciling decades of mistrust between industry and First Nations. “In partnership with Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Segal Graduate School of Business, the Industry Council for Aboriginal Business (ICAB) placed six corporate executives and aboriginal leaders in each other’s seats for several days last fall to help them understand the issues that affect their respective worlds.”
  • Business prof Andrey Pavlov was on CBC-TV and in The Vancouver Sun in stories on rising mortgage rates: “Pavlov said higher rates are the biggest risk to B.C.’s market, but the saving grace will be ‘interest rates are going to go up only if the economy is doing very well. In that case, people will have jobs, incomes will be rising, so people will be able to afford higher interest rates.’”


  • Business ethicist Mark Wexler became the focus of a Douglas Todd column in The Vancouver Sun, as Wexler advised universities to connect better with the off-campus community and to become more relevant to it.
    “(A university) must reward its best and brightest for publishing, receiving grant money and contributing to the information commons,” said Wexler. “On the other hand, it must recognize and reward a means of customizing knowledge so its local application is appreciated and integrated into the economy and heartbeat of the town.”
    Wexler spoke at a ceremony at which he received a lifetime achievement award—for helping the public recognize the “importance” of scholarship—from the BC branch of the Confederation of University Faculty Associations.