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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Patrick Cameron

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA and what drew you to the SFU Beedie School of Business?

I pursued an MBA to enhance my career, seeking a formal framework to elevate my skills beyond intuition. When I connected with the Beedie recruitment team, they surprised me by asking what type of school would be the right fit for me. Choosing Beedie wasn't just about avoiding being a number; it was about growing with a school that views me as a partner.

What has been your favourite moment or experience at Beedie so far? What are you looking forward to?

My standout moment occurred in the first week of class when we connected with classmates across various Beedie programs. Meeting intelligent, ambitious individuals from diverse backgrounds worldwide was surreal. These differences, which initially stood out, became the catalyst for our effective and creative problem-solving both inside and outside the classroom throughout the school year.

How would you describe SFU Beedie’s culture?

For me, Beedie's culture is summed up in one word: inclusivity. Regardless of your background, everyone finds a place at Beedie. Every class serves as a safe space for sharing experiences and opinions, guided by professors and faculty who genuinely listen. This inclusivity fosters a broadened perspective among students and cultivates the skillset needed to unite people.