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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Spoorthi Manjunatha Prasad

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA and what drew you to the SFU Beedie School of Business?

The MBA became a natural progression for me, transitioning from public accounting to consulting, seeking practical knowledge in carefully chosen subjects at Beedie. The main draws were Beedie School of Business's course design, career management center, and MBA games. This program aligns perfectly with my goals—it's fast-paced and readies me to re-enter the workforce in just a year.

What has been your favourite moment or experience at Beedie so far? What are you looking forward to?

Beedie has been an incredible experience. Every day, I gain new knowledge from both my classes and my peers, who come from a variety of backgrounds. The school's wonderful quality lies in the vast experiences within the cohort, diverse in industry and cultural backgrounds. I eagerly anticipate engaging in the MBA games and program retreats, adding to the overall excitement of this journey.

How would you describe SFU Beedie’s culture?

Inclusion is the first term that springs to mind when I try to sum up Beedie's culture. The resources provided by the faculty make the demanding academic year a little bit easier to get through, and they are always happy to help students with any questions they may have. It seems like a secure setting where I can learn and consider my options without worrying about making a mistake.