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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Muhammad Affan Sheikh

Why did you decide to pursue a Master of Science in Finance and what drew you to the SFU Beedie School of Business?

I joined SFU Beedie because of the opportunities to learn, network, and work with a very diverse and accomplished set of people. Working with the SIAS fund will provide me with professional, hands-on experience in not only large fund management but also with more exposure to the finance industry and Canadian and global economy. Lastly, the campus is located in one of the best cities to live in so I considered this perk too before joining SFU Beedie.

What has been your favourite moment or experience at Beedie so far? What are you looking forward to?

It’s been only around two months since I started my MSc Finance journey at Beedie and during this time I have availed every opportunity to network with finance industry professionals via various networking events. I have also been preparing myself via the Fund Management course by Glenn Powers to take charge of the Equity Investment related role in SIAS. Lastly, I am also seeing the advancement in my finance knowledge. Because of these experiences I am pretty much satisfied with my experience at Beedie so far.

How would you describe SFU Beedie's culture?

SFU Beedie has a very welcoming culture the admissions and program staff here are very friendly, helpful, considerate and responsive. The teachers here are open to the diverse questions Beedie students have and they are there to support students in various situations that they face during their learning journey. Last but not the least, Simon Fraser University is one of the most diverse universities here in British Columbia, as per my observation, and the students here share a very friendly and enjoyable environment.