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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Yuxuan Yang

Why did you decide to pursue a Master of Science in Finance and what drew you to the SFU Beedie School of Business?

I chose to enroll in SFU Beedie's Master of Science in Finance due to its unique combination of advanced academic knowledge and valuable hands-on experience. For example, this is illustrated by the Principles of Investments and Principles of Finance courses, which provided me with a strong foundation for comprehending the intricacies of the financial sector. Additionally, the Principles of Fund Management course offered me the opportunity to effectively analyze portfolios by utilizing Bloomberg data. Furthermore, SFU Beedie has enriched our exposure to various industries through events such as the career expos and portfolio competitions.

What has been your favourite moment or experience at Beedie so far? What are you looking forward to?

My current experience at SFU Beedie has been truly remarkable. To begin with, the dedicated faculty and staff have played a pivotal role in enhancing my grasp of both academic and practical knowledge. They offer informative office hours and provide hands-on guidance for various applications. Additionally, the career development events have allowed me to connect with seasoned industry experts and receive invaluable firsthand career advice. I'm eagerly anticipating further involvement in the SIAS fund to acquire more portfolio management experience and to actively participate in upcoming investment competitions, all while continuing to seek valuable career guidance.

How would you describe SFU Beedie's culture?

Frequently, I witness the cohort's enthusiasm in actively participating in post-lecture discussions, sharing their insights and understanding. Additionally, during case projects or competitions, it's evident that each team invests substantial effort in close collaboration, efficiently distributing tasks. For instance, in the portfolio project, tasks were effectively allocated among team members, encompassing industry/company analysis, financial data collection, optimization, and the portfolio project presentation. Therefore, I would sum up Beedie's culture as one characterized by collaboration, diligence, and unwavering motivation.