Amir Rubin
Professor, Finance / Business and Society
Room: SGL 4220
Curriculum Vitae: View
Ph.D. (University of British Columbia); M.A. Econ. & Finance - Cum Laude; B.A., Econ.& Business - Cum Laude (Hebrew University)Biography
Five years as an economist with the Israeli Security Authority, regulating mutual funds and designing risk analysis tools, were good preparation for Dr. Amir Rubinís switch to academic research and teaching. Amirís research interests include corporate finance, corporate governance, and market microstructure. He has also conducted research in asset pricing, in particular the determinants of stock return volatility. As well, he has ventured into researching the area of corporate social responsibility and its interaction with financial decision-making.Research Interests
Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Behavioral Finance, Market Microstructure, Social Responsibility.
Selected Publications
articles and reports
Michaely, R., Michaely, R., Rubin, A., Segal, D., Segal, D., & Vedrashko, A. (2023). Do Differences in Analyst Quality Matter for Investors Relying on Consensus Information? Management Science.
Rubin, A., Rubin, E., & Segal, D. (2023). Editor home bias? Research Policy, 52(6).
Rubin, E., & Rubin, A. (2021). On the Economic Effects of the Text Completion Interface: Empirical Analysis of Financial Markets. Electronic Markets, 31(3), 717-735.
Rubin, A., & Rubin, E. (2021). Systematic Bias in the Progress of Research. Journal of Political Economy, 29(9), 2666-2719.
Rubin, A., & Segal, D. (2019). Directors skill and financial reporting quality. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 46(3-4), 457-493.
Rubin, A., Segal, B., & Segal, D. (2017). The Interpretation of Unanticipated News Arrival and Analysts' Skill. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 52(4), 1491-1518.
Michaely, R., Rubin, A., & Vedrashko, A. (2016). Are Friday announcements special? Overcoming selection bias. Journal of Financial Economics, 122(1), 65-85.
Michaely, R., Rubin, A., & Vedrashko, A. (2016). Further evidence on the strategic timing of earnings news: Joint analysis of weekdays and times of day. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 62(1), 24-45.
Rubin, A., & Segal, D. (2015). The effects of economic growth on income inequality in the US. Journal of Macroeconomics, 45, 258-273.
Michaely, R., Rubin, A., & Vedrashko, A. (2014). Corporate governance and the timing of earnings announcements. Review of Finance, 18(6), 2003-2044.
Rubin, E., & Rubin, A. (2013). The impact of Business Intelligence systems on stock return volatility. Information and Management, 50(2-3), 67-75.
Rubin, A., & Smith, D. R. (2011). Comparing different explanations of the volatility trend. Journal of Banking and Finance, 35(6), 1581-1597.
Kraus, A., & Rubin, A. (2010). Reducing managers' incentives to cannibalize: Managerial stock options when shareholders are diversified. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 19(4), 439-460.
Rubin, A., & Rubin, E. (2010). Informed investors and the internet. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 37(7-8), 841-865.
Barnea, A., & Rubin, A. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility as a Conflict Between Shareholders. Journal of Business Ethics, 97(1), 71-86.
Rubin, A., & Smith, D. R. (2009). Institutional ownership, volatility and dividends. Journal of Banking and Finance, 33(4), 627-639.
Rubin, A. (2008). Political views and corporate decision making: The case of corporate social responsibility. Financial Review, 43(3), 337-360.
Rubin, A. (2007). Ownership level, ownership concentration and liquidity. Journal of Financial Markets, 10(3), 219-248.