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Graduate Programs

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Daniel Shapiro

Retired Faculty, Strategy

Professor Emeritus, Global Business Strategy / Business and Society


Room: SGL 4935

Phone: 778.782.5155

Room: SGL 3305

Phone: 778.782.5155


Curriculum Vitae: View


B.A. (Calgary), M.A., Ph.D. (Cornell)


Daniel M. Shapiro (PhD, Cornell) is Professor of Global Business Strategy (Emeritus) at the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University. He has worked for over forty years as an educator, researcher, and academic administrator. He has published five books and monographs and some 100 scholarly articles on the broad themes of international business and comparative institutional analysis, corporate ownership and governance, MNEs and corporate strategy, industrial structure, and public policy (foreign investment, mergers, competition laws, language and gender). His research has been published in Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of International Business Policy, World Development and International Journal of Industrial Organization, among others. His articles have been cited over 13,500 times and have won several awards, including the Barclays Global Investors Canada Ltd. Research Award and the Mike Peng best paper award in Asia Pacific Journal of Management. He is an award-winning teacher who has taught courses in international business strategy, strategic analysis, managerial economics, and business and government. In 1995 and again in 2002 he was awarded the TD Canada Trust Teaching Award, and in 2014 was named the Academy of International Business (AIB) Educator of the Year. As an administrator, he was Dean of the Beedie School of Business where he successfully developed a strategic position for the School, helped raise the money to name it, and led it through successful accreditation rounds with AACSB and EQUIS. He has been co-editor, Multinational Business Review, co-director of the Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies and Principal of the School of Community and Public Affairs at Concordia University, Director of the Executive MBA program at Simon Fraser University and Associate Dean responsible for executive programs, Director of the CIBC Centre for Corporate Governance and Risk Management and co-academic director of the Vancouver Directors Education Program offered through the ICD Corporate Governance College. He has designed and delivered executive programs to managers in the private and public sectors, both in Canada and abroad (including Russia, Belarus, El Salvador, Guyana, Indonesia, Hong Kong and China). He has served as a consultant to various organizations in the public and private sectors in the areas of foreign investment, mergers, competition policy, strategy and industrial policy, and has served on the Boards of both private and public organizations. He has been visiting professor at McGill University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University), Monash University, and CEIBS (China). 

Research Interests

Competitive Analysis and Strategy, International and Comparative Business, Managerial Economics/Economics of the Firm, Business and Government and Industrial Economics

Selected Publications

articles and reports

Côté, C., Estrin, S., Meyer, K. E., & Shapiro, D. (2020). COVID-19 and the Dynamics of Distance in International Business. AIB Insights, 20(3).

Shapiro, D., Li, J., & Feng, M. (2020). Exploring the Liability of Origin: Lessons from Smithfield Foods and Meat Processing in the US During COVID-19. AIB Insights, 30(3).

Côté, C., Estrin, S., & Shapiro, D. (2020). Expanding the international trade and investment policy agenda: The role of cities and services. Journal of International Business Policy, 3(3), 199-223.

Oh, C. H., Shapiro, D., Ho, S. S. H., & Shin, J. (2020). Location matters: Valuing firm-specific nonmarket risk in the global mining industry. Strategic Management Journal, 41(7), 1210-1244.

Meyer, K., & Shapiro, D. (2020). How global cities are changing international trade. Logistics and Transport Focus, 22(1), 34-36.

Carney, M., Estrin, S., Liang, Z., & Shapiro, D. (2019). National institutional systems, foreign ownership and firm performance: The case of understudied countries. Journal of World Business, 54(4), 244-257.

Estrin, S., Liang, Z., Shapiro, D., & Carney, M. (2019). State capitalism, economic systems and the performance of state owned firms. Acta Oeconomica, 69, 175-193.

Carney, M., Van Essen, M., Estrin, S., & Shapiro, D. (2018). Business groups reconsidered: Beyond paragons and parasites. Academy of Management Perspectives, 32(4), 493-516.

Li, J., Xia, J., Shapiro, D., & Lin, Z. (2018). Institutional compatibility and the internationalization of Chinese SOEs: The moderating role of home subnational institutions. Journal of World Business, 53(5), 641-652.

Shapiro, D. M., Vecino, C., & Li, J. (2018). Exploring China’s state-led FDI model: Evidence from the extractive sectors in Latin America. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(1), 11-37.

Shapiro, D., Hobdari, B., & Oh, C. H. (2018). Natural resources, multinational enterprises and sustainable development. Journal of World Business, 53(1), 1-14.

Carney, M., Duran, P., van Essen, M., & Shapiro, D. (2017). Family firms, internationalization, and national competitiveness: Does family firm prevalence matter? Journal of Family Business Strategy, 8(3), 123-136.

Shapiro, D., Tang, Y., Wang, M., & Zhang, W. (2017). Monetary incentives and innovation in Chinese SMEs. Asian Business and Management, 16(3), 130-157.

Carney, M., Van Essen, M., Estrin, S., & Shapiro, D. (2017). Business group prevalence and impact across countries and over time: What can we learn from the literature? Multinational Business Review, 25(1), 52-76.

Shapiro, D., & Li, J. (2016). Understanding the ‘Enigma’ of Chinese firm performance: confucius and beyond. Management and Organization Review, 12(2), 259-267.

Atanasova, C., Gatev, E., & Shapiro, D. (2016). The corporate governance and financing of small-cap firms in Canada. Managerial Finance, 42(3), 244-269.

Shapiro, D., Tang, Y., Wang, M., & Zhang, W. (2015). The effects of corporate governance and ownership on the innovation performance of Chinese SMEs. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 13(4), 311-335.

Chen, V. Z., Li, J., & Shapiro, D. M. (2015). Subnational institutions and outward FDI by Chinese firms: The mediating role of firm-specific advantages. Multinational Business Review, 23(4), 254-276.

Chen, V. Z., Li, J., Shapiro, D. M., & Zhang, X. (2014). Ownership structure and innovation: An emerging market perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(1), 1-24.

Gupta, S., & Shapiro, D. (2014). Building and transforming an emerging market global enterprise: Lessons from the Infosys journey. Business Horizons, 57(2), 169-179.

Li, J., Chen, D., & Shapiro, D. M. (2013). FDI Spillovers at the National and Subnational Level: The Impact on Product Innovation by Chinese Firms. Management and Organization Review, 9(3), 413-435.

Li, J., Newenham-Kahindi, A., Shapiro, D., & Chen, V. Z. (2013). The two-tier bargaining model revisited: Theory and evidence from China's natural resource investments in Africa. Global Strategy Journal, 3(4), 300-321.

Gordon, I. M., Hrazdil, K., & Shapiro, D. (2012). Corporate governance in publicly traded small firms: A study of Canadian venture exchange companies. Business Horizons, 55(6), 583-591.

Li, J., Li, Y., & Shapiro, D. (2012). Knowledge seeking and outward FDI of emerging market firms: The moderating effect of inward FDI. Global Strategy Journal, 2(4), 277-344.

Chen, V. Z., Li, J., & Shapiro, D. M. (2012). International reverse spillover effects on parent firms: Evidences from emerging-market MNEs in developed markets. European Management Journal, 30(3), 204-218.

Berthon, P. R., Pitt, L. F., Plangger, K., & Shapiro, D. (2012). Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy. Business Horizons, 55(3), 261-271.

Li, J., Chen, D., & Shapiro, D. (2012). Developing product innovations in Chinese firms. Management and Organization Review, 1(1), 27-31.

Chen, V. Z., Li, J., & Shapiro, D. M. (2011). Are OECD-prescribed "good corporate governance practices" really good in an emerging economy? Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(1), 115-138.

Globerman, S., Peng, M. W., & Shapiro, D. M. (2011). Corporate governance and Asian companies. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(1), 1-14.

Li, J., Chen, D., & Shapiro, D. M. (2010). Product innovations in emerging economies: The role of foreign knowledge access channels and internal efforts in Chinese firms. Management and Organization Review, 6(2), 243-266.

Russell, B. I., Shapiro, D., & Vining, A. R. (2010). The evolution of the Canadian mining industry: The role of regulatory punctuation. Resources Policy, 35(2), 90-97.

Maine, E. M., Shapiro, D. M., & Vining, A. R. (2010). The role of clustering in the growth of new technology-based firms. Small Business Economics, 34(2), 127-146.

Shapiro, D., Estrin, S., & Poukliakova, S. (2009). The performance effects of business groups in Russia. Journal of Management Studies, 46(3), 393-420.

Globerman, S., & Shapiro, D. (2009). Economic and strategic considerations surrounding Chinese FDI in the United States. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 26(1), 163-183.

Carney, M., Shapiro, D., & Tang, Y. (2009). Business group performance in china: Ownership and temporal considerations. Management and Organization Review, 5(2), 167-193.

Globerman, S., & Shapiro, D. (2008). The international mobility of highly educated workers among OECD countries. Transnational Corporations, 17(1), 1-35.

Papania, L., Sharpiro, D. M., & Peloza, J. (2008). Social impact as a measure of fit between firm activities and stakeholder expectations. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 4(1), 3-16.

Shapiro, D., Russell, B. I., & Pitt, L. F. (2007). Strategic heterogeneity in the global mining industry. Transnational Corporations, 16(3), 1-34.

Shapiro, D., Tang, Y., & Ma, C. X. (2007). Mode of entry and the regional distribution of foreign direct investment in China. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 5(3), 261-277.

Klein, P., Shapiro, D., & Young, J. (2005). Corporate governance, family ownership and firm value: The Canadian evidence. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 13(6), 769-784.

Gedajlovic, E., Shapiro, D. M., & Buduru, B. (2003). Financial ownership, diversification and firm profitability in Japan. Journal of Management and Governance, 7(3), 315-335.

Shapiro, D., Gedajlovic, E. R., & Erdener, C. (2003). The Chinese family firm as a multinational enterprise. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 11(2), 105-122.

Gedajlovic, E., & Shapiro, D. M. (2002). Ownership structure and firm profitability in Japan. Academy of Management journal. Academy of Management, 45(3), 565-575.

books chapters and monographs

Estrin, S., Li, J., & Shapiro, D. (2020). State-Owned Multinational Enterprises: Theory, Performance, and Impact. In Mellahi, K., Meyer, K., Narula, R., Surdu, I., & Verbeke, A. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Business Strategy. Oxford University Press.

Globerman, S., Hensyel, P., & Shapiro, D. (2020). State-Owned Enterprises and Sovereign Wealth Funds: An Economic Assessment. In VanDuzer, J. A., & Leblond, P. (Eds.), Promoting and Managing International Investment Towards an Integrated Policy Approach. Routledge.

Estrin, S., & Shapiro, D. (2019). David audretsch and international business: Bringing it all back home. From Industrial Organization to Entrepreneurship: A Tribute to David B. Audretsch (pp. 129-147). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Li, J., & Shapiro, D. (2019). Investments by Emerging Economy Multinationals in Other Emerging Economies. In Grosse, R., & Meyer, K. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Management in Emerging Markets. Oxford University Press.

Carney, M., Fathallah, R., Gedajlovic, E. R., & Shapiro, D. (2014). The internationalization of ethnic Chinese family firms. In Yu, F. L. T., & Yan, H. (Eds.), Handbook of East Asian Entrepreneurship (pp. 132-143). Routledge (UK).

Shapiro, D., & Globerman, S. (2012). The international activities and impacts of state-owned enterprises. In Sauvant, K. P., Sachs, L., & Schmit Jongbloed, W. P. F. (Eds.), Sovereign Investment: Concerns and Policy Reactions (pp. 98-144). Oxford University Press (NY).

Globerman, S., & Shapiro, D. (2009). Modes of entry by Chinese firms in the United States: Economic and political issues. In Sauvant, K. P. (Ed.), Investing in the United States: Is the US Ready for FDI from China? (pp. 22-41). Edward Elgar Publishing (UK).

Boardman, A. E., Shapiro, D., & Vining, A. R. (2008). The role of agency costs in explaining the superior performance of foreign MNE subsidiaries. In Paliwida, S. J., & Ryans Jr., J. K. (Eds.), International marketing: Modern and classic papers (Volume III) (pp. 100-122). Edward Elgar Publishing (UK).

Globerman, S., & Shapiro, D. M. (2008). Outward FDI and the economic performance of emerging markets. In Sauvant, K. P., Mendoza, K., & Ince, I. (Eds.), The Rise of Transnational Corporations from Emerging Markets: Threat or Opportunity? (pp. 229-271). Edward Elgar Publishing (UK).


Chang Hoon, O. H., Shapiro, D., Ham Ho, S. S., & Shin, J. (2017). Capital markets’ reaction to environmental sensitivity. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (pp. 1-6). Academy of Management.

Related Teaching Material

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Gordon, I. M. M., Hrazdil, K., & Shapiro, D. (2012). Corporate governance in publicly traded small firms: A study of Canadian venture exchange companies. Case ID:BH502-PDF-ENG..