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Graduate Programs

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Dennis Chung

Professor, Accounting


Room: WMC 3363

Phone: 778.782.4355



B.Comm. (U.Manitoba), M.Sc. (U.Sask), Ph.D.(U.Alberta), CPA, CA


Dennis Chung completed his PhD at the University of Alberta. He is a Canadian Chartered Professional Accountant and has previously taught at Clarkson University, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the University of Manitoba, and the University of Saskatchewan. He also worked in public practice during the early 1980s with the firm Deloitte Haskins & Sells.

His publications have appeared in the Financial Times Top 50 Journals, such as Review of Finance, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

Research Interests

Financial Disclosure, Market Behaviour, Liquidity, Investor Protection

Selected Publications

articles and reports

Brockman, P., Brockman, P., Chung, D. Y., Snow, N. M., Snow, N. M., & Snow, N. M. (2023). Search-Based Peer Groups and Commonality in Liquidity. Review of Finance, 27(1), 33-77.

Chung, D. Y., Hrazdil, K., Novak, J., & Suwanyangyuan, N. (2019). Does the large amount of information in corporate disclosures hinder or enhance price discovery in the capital market? Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 15(1), 36-52.

Brockman, P., Chung, D. Y., & Shaw, K. W. (2017). The R&D-abnormal return anomaly: a transaction cost explanation. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 48(2), 385-406.

Chung, D. Y., Hrazdil, K., & Trottier, K. (2015). On the efficiency of intra-industry information transfers: The dilution of the overreaction anomaly. Journal of Banking and Finance, 60, 153-167.

Chung, D. Y., & Hrazdil, K. (2012). Speed of convergence to market efficiency: The role of ECNs. Journal of Empirical Finance, 19(5), 702-720.

Chung, D. Y., & Hrazdil, K. (2011). Market efficiency and the post-earnings announcement drift. Contemporary Accounting Research, 28(3), 926-956.

Chung, D., & Hrazdil, K. (2010). Liquidity and market efficiency: A large sample study. Journal of Banking and Finance, 34(10), 2346-2357.

Brockman, P., Chung, D. Y., & Yan, X. (2009). Block ownership, trading activity, and market liquidity. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 44(6), 1403-1426.

Brockman, P., Chung, D. Y., & Prignon, C. (2009). Commonality in liquidity: A global perspective. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 44(4), 851-882.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (2008). Commonality under market stress: Evidence from an order-driven market. International Review of Economics and Finance, 17(2), 179-196.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (2008). Investor protection, adverse selection, and the probability of informed trading. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 30(2), 111-131.

Chung, D. Y., Isakov, D., & Pérignon, C. (2007). Repurchasing shares on a second trading line. Review of Finance, 11(2), 253-285.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (2006). Index inclusion and commonality in liquidity: Evidence from the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. International Review of Financial Analysis, 15(4-5), 291-305.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (2003). The inter-temporal behavior of informed and uninformed traders. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 21(3), 251-265.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (2003). Investor Protection and Firm Liquidity. Journal of Finance, 58(2), 921-938.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (2002). The impact of informed trading on corporate liquidity. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 12(3), 239-259.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (2002). Commonality in liquidity: Evidence from an order-driven market structure. Journal of Financial Research, 25(4), 521-539.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (2001). Managerial timing and corporate liquidity: : Evidence from actual share repurchases. Journal of Financial Economics, 61(3), 417-448.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (2000). Informed and uninformed trading in an electronic, order-driven environment. Financial Review, 35(2), 125-146.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (2000). An empirical investigation of trading on asymmetric information and heterogeneous prior beliefs. Journal of Empirical Finance, 7(5), 417-454.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (1999). An analysis of depth behavior in an electronic, order-driven environment. Journal of Banking and Finance, 23(12), 1861-1886.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (1999). BID-ASK spread components in an order-driven environment. Journal of Financial Research, 22(2), 227-246.

Chung, D. Y. (1999). The informational effect of corporate lobbying against proposed accounting standards. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 12(3), 243-270.

Brockman, P., & Chung, D. Y. (1998). Inter- and intra-day liquidity patterns on the stock exchange of Hong Kong. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 8(3-4), 277-298.

Chung, D. Y., & Lee, J. (1998). Ownership structure and trading volume reaction to earnings announcements: Evidence from Japan. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 6(1-2), 45-60.

CHUNG, D. Y., & LINDSAY, W. D. (1988). The pricing of audit services: The Canadian perspective. Contemporary Accounting Research, 5(1), 19-46.