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Graduate Programs

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Eric Werker

Academic Director, Part-Time MBA

Professor, Strategy / International Business / Business and Society

William Saywell Professor in International Business


Room: SGL 4915

Phone: 778.782.7725


Curriculum Vitae: View


PhD (Harvard University), A.B. (Harvard University)


Eric Werker is the William Saywell Professor at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University and Academic Director of its part-time and online MBA programs. Eric researches how countries can build more thriving and inclusive private sectors and how external actors influence economic and political outcomes. He has written on private sector development, resource governance, the interface between investments and community, economic diversification, foreign aid, non-governmental organizations, inter-governmental organizations, refugees, and Ebola. Eric teaches about strategy, policy, and global economics to MBAs and executives and has authored numerous case studies on companies and countries around the world.

Outside of academia, Eric is chief economist and co-founder of Inference Economics, an economics advisory. He is a research affiliate of the International Growth Centre in London and a nonresident senior research fellow at the United Nations University WIDER in Helsinki. He was a member of the Emerging Economy Task Force of the Province of British Columbia, chaired the academic directorate of the Canadian International Resources and Development Institute, served as economic advisor to the President of Liberia, supported host government teams negotiating concession agreements, was a member of the Centre for International Policy Studies study group on Canada’s sustainable development policy, served on the advisory group of the Center for Global Development, consulted to the NGO Conservation International on low-carbon development and to the US Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation on foreign aid projects, and worked with the Refugee Law Project in Uganda.  

Eric's recent publications (most available for free downloads) on benefit-sharing agreements in the mining sector include a 2021 article in Resources Policy (joint with Eric Adebayo, valuing community benefit agreements) and a 2021 article in Resources Policy (joint with Sam Szoke-Burke, examining community benefit agreements as multistakeholder institutions). Articles on resource taxation include a 2021 article in World Development (joint with Eric Adebayo and Addisu Lashitew, on government take in the mining sector) and a 2021 article in Energy Policy (joint with Cameron Gunton and Sean Markey, looking at subsidies to the LNG sector). Eric's research agenda on economic diversification in resource-rich economies includes a 2024 article in Resources Policy (joint with Michael Ross, on diversification in Africa), a 2021 article in the World Bank Research Observer (joint with Addisu Lashitew and Michael Ross, on what drives economic diversification) and a 2020 article in Resouce and Energy Economics (joint with Addisu Lashitew, cutting through the resource curse literature). Eric also has recent papers in three areas of longstanding interest: international political economy, with a 2021 Journal of Comparative Economics article (joint with Faisal Ahmed and Dan Schwab, on the impact of cross-border transfers on democratization and civil war); and the political economy and private sector development, with an application of the framework in the book Deals and Development (joint with Lant Pritchett and Kunal Sen) to fragile and conflict affected states (2021, joint with Kunal Sen).

Eric grew up in Vancouver, earned his A.B. and Ph.D in economics at Harvard, and then spent nearly a decade on the faculty of Harvard Business School before returning home. In his spare time Eric can be found spending time with family, skiing, paddling, climbing, and biking. He lives in Kitsilano with his wife and two kids.

Selected Publications

articles and reports

Liu, Y., Sander, B., Werker, E., Zhumatova, S., Worsnop, C., & Lee, K. (2024). The economic impacts of international travel measures used during the Covid-19 pandemic: A scoping review. BMJ Global Health.

Mulder, N., Bryan, G., Lee, N., Oliveira-Cunha, J., Shawa, B., Wani, S., & Werker, E. (2024). Unlocking economic prosperity in the Zambian Copperbelt. London School of Economics and Political Science.

Ross, M. L., Ross, M. L., & Werker, E. (2024). Diversification in resource-rich Africa, 1999–2019. Resources Policy, 88.

Siaplay, M., & Werker, E. (2023, February). Will rising insecurity erase West Africa's economic development gains? Future Development.

Siwale, T., & Werker, E. (2023, January). Climate change action could set off a copper mining boom: how Zambia can make the most of it. Conversation.

Werker, E. (2022, March). The Russian economy is headed for collapse. Conversation.

Gunton, T., Werker, E., Werker, E., & Markey, S. (2021). Community benefit agreements and natural resource development: Achieving better outcomes. Resources Policy, 73.

Adebayo, E., Lashitew, A. A., Werker, E., & Werker, E. (2021). Is conventional wisdom about resource taxation correct? Mining evidence from transparency reporting. World Development, 146.

Lashitew, A. A., Lashitew, A., Ross, M. L., Ross, M., & Werker, E. (2021). What Drives Successful Economic Diversification in Resource-Rich Countries? World Bank Research Observer, 36(2), 164-196.

Adebayo, E., & Werker, E. (2021). How much are benefit-sharing agreements worth to communities affected by mining? Resources Policy, 71, 101970.

Ahmed, F. Z., Schwab, D., Schwab, D., & Werker, E. (2021). The political transfer problem: How cross-border financial windfalls affect democracy and civil war. Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(2), 313-339.

Werker, E., & Sen, K. (2021). Deals and Development in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States. United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research.

Gunton, C., Markey, S., & Werker, E. (2021). Evaluating British Columbia's economic policies for liquefied natural gas development. Energy Policy.

Szoke-Burke, S., & Werker, E. (2021). Benefit sharing, power, and the performance of multi-stakeholder institutions at Ghana's Ahafo mine. Resources Policy, 71, 101969.

Lashitew, A. A., & Werker, E. (2020). Do natural resources help or hinder development? Resource abundance, dependence, and the role of institutions. Resource and Energy Economics, 61.

Siaplay, M., & Werker, E. (2020, April). An Epidemic and a Commodity Price Rout at the Same Time? It Happened in 2014. Center for Global Development.

Kinloch, K., Werker, E., & Contributors, T. O. (2020). Emerging Economy Task Force: Final Report. Province of British Columbia.

Evans, D., & Werker, E. (2020, March). What a Population's Age Structure Means for COVID-19's Impact in Low-Income Countries. Center for Global Development.

Lashitew, A., Ross, M., & Werker, E. (2020). Online Appendix for: What Drives Successful Economic Diversification in Resource-Rich Countries? Global Development Institute.

Boldbaatar, D., Kunz, N. C., & Werker, E. (2019). Improved resource governance through transparency: Evidence from Mongolia. Extractive Industries and Society, 6(3), 775-787.

Spray, J., & Werker, E. (2019). Price controls in liberia. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 67(3), 461-491.

Novosad, P., & Werker, E. (2019). Who runs the international system? Nationality and leadership in the United Nations Secretariat. Review of International Organizations, 14(1), 1-33.

Schwab, D., Schwab, D., & Werker, E. (2018). Are economic rents good for development? Evidence from the manufacturing sector. World Development, 112, 33-45.

Boakye, B., Cascadden, M., Kuschminder, J., Szoke-Burke, S., & Werker, E. (2018). Implementing the Ahafo benefit agreements: seeking meaningful participation at Newmont's Ahafo gold mine in Ghana. Canadian International Resources and Development Institute.

Musacchio, A., & Werker, E. (2016, December). Mapping frontier economies. Harvard Business Review, 2016(December).

Bowles, J., Hjort, J., Melvin, T., & Werker, E. (2016). Ebola, jobs and economic activity in Liberia. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 70(3), 271-277.

Biggs, M., McArthur, J. W., Higgins, K., Moloney, D., Werker, E., & Sanchez, J. (2015). Towards 2030: Building Canada's engagement with global sustainable development. Centre for International Policy Studies.

Glennerster, R., & Werker, E. (2015, July). The economics of Ebola. LSE Connect, 11-13.

Ahmed, F. Z., & Werker, E. D. (2015). Aid and the rise and fall of conflict in the Muslim world. Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 10(2), 155-186.

Werker, E. (2013, December). A market-based mechanism to improve capital expenditures. Ideas for Africa.

Siaplay, M., & Werker, E. (2013). What role for private education in Liberia's public education policy? International Growth Centre.

Werker, E. (2013). Learning from double-digit growth experiences. International Growth Centre.

Dreher, A., Klasen, S., Vreeland, J. R., & Werker, E. (2013). The costs of favoritism: Is politically driven aid less effective? Economic Development and Cultural Change, 62(1), 157-191.

Pritchett, L., & Werker, E. (2012). Developing the guts of a GUT (Grand Unified Theory): elite commitment and inclusive growth. Effective States and Inclusive Development.

Ding, S., Wyett, K., & Werker, E. (2012). South Sudan: The birth of an economy. Innovations (Cambridge): Technology, Governance, Globalization, 7(1), 73-90.

Werker, E., Cole, S. A., & Healy, A. (2012, November). Natural disasters hurt incumbents. Politico.

Cole, S., Healy, A., & Werker, E. (2012). Do voters demand responsive governments? Evidence from Indian disaster relief. Journal of Development Economics, 97(2), 167-181.

Werker, E. (2011). Negotiating for Development: A New Paradigm for Natural Resource Agreements. Harvard Business School Publishing.

Fisman, R., & Werker, E. (2011). Innovations in governance. Innovation Policy and the Economy, 11, 79-102.

Werker, E. (2010). Disaster politics: International politics and relief efforts. Harvard International Review (Website).

Kaja, A., & Werker, E. (2010). Corporate governance at the World Bank and the dilemma of global governance. World Bank Economic Review, 24(2), 171-198.

Werker, E., & Fisman, R. (2009, October). The end of foreign investment in Russia? Forbes.

Werker, E., Ahmed, F. Z., & Cohen, C. (2009). How is foreign aid spent? Evidence from a natural experiment. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 1(2), 225-244.

Werker, E. (2009, March). How globalization's losers win.

Cohen, C., & Werker, E. D. (2008). The political economy of "natural" disasters. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 52(6), 795-819.

Werker, E. (2008, November). Power to the people. Foreign Policy, 78-79.

Muzinich, J., & Werker, E. (2008). A better approach to foreign aid. Policy Review, 19-28.

Werker, E., & Ahmed, F. Z. (2008). What do nongovernmental organizations do? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22(2), 73-92.

Werker, E. (2007). Refugee camp economies. Journal of Refugee Studies, 20(3), 461-480.

Werker, E. (2007, March). KPMG for Mayor! Forbes, 179(6), 40.

Fisman, R., & Werker, E. (2007). Local Company Politics. Capitalism and Society, 2(1), 1-8.

Ahuja, A., Wendell, B., & Werker, E. (2007). Male Circumcision and AIDS: the Macroeconomic Impact of a Health Crisis. Harvard Business School Publishing.

Kuziemko, I., & Werker, E. (2006). How much is a seat on the Security Council worth? Foreign aid and bribery at the United Nations. Journal of Political Economy, 114(5), 905-930.

Hovil, L., & Werker, E. (2005). Portrait of a failed rebellion: An account of rational, sub-optimal violence in western Uganda. Rationality and Society, 17(1), 5-34.

Werker, E. (2002). Refugees in Kyangwali Settlement: Constraints on economic freedoms. Refugee Law Project.

Hovil, L., & Werker, E. (2001). Refugees in Arua District: A human security analysis. Refugee Law Project.

books chapters and monographs

Pritchett, L., Sen, K., Sen, K., Werker, E., & Werker, E. (2017). Deals and development: An introduction to the conceptual framework. In Pritchett, L., & Sen, K. (Eds.), Deals and Development: The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes (pp. 1-38). Oxford University Press.

Pritchett, L., Sen, K., Sen, K., Werker, E., & Werker, E. (2017). Searching for a 'recipe' for episodic development. In Pritchett, L., & Sen, K. (Eds.), Deals and Development: The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes (pp. 339-354). Oxford University Press.

Werker, E., Werker, E., & Pritchett, L. (2017). Deals and development in a resource-dependent, Fragile State: The political economy of growth in Liberia, 1960-2014. In Pritchett, L., & Sen, K. (Eds.), Deals and Development: The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes (pp. 39-70). Oxford University Press.

Pritchett, L., Sen, K., Werker, E., & Sen, K. (Eds.), (2017). Deals and development: The political dynamics of growth episodes. Oxford University Press.

Donovan, J., Lawrence, K., Neyor, C., Niesten, E., & Werker, E. (2013). Assessing potential carbon revenues from reduced forest cover loss in Liberia. In Revesz, R. L., Livermore, M. A., Livermore, M. A., & Revesz, R. L. (Eds.), The Globalization of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Environmental Policy (pp. 293-304). Oxford University Press.

Werker, E., Ahmed, F., & Cohen, C. (2013). How is foreign aid spent? Evidence from a natural experiment. In Millner, H. V., Tingley, D., Milner, H. V., & Tingley, D. (Eds.), Geopolitics of Foreign Aid. Edward Elgar Publishing (UK).

Werker, E. (2012). The Political Economy of Bilateral Foreign Aid. In Caprio, G., & Caprio Jr., G. (Eds.), Handbook of Safeguarding Global Financial Stability: Political, Social, Cultural, and Economic Theories and Models (pp. 47-58). Elsevier Ltd (UK).

Werker, E. (2008). Weak states can be coaxed creatively. In Clark, C., & Kinsley, M. (Eds.), Creative Capitalism: A Conversation with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and other Economic Leaders. Simon & Schuster.

Related Teaching Material

Dalaibuyan, B., Lord Ferguson, S. T., & Werker, E. (2021). Rio Tinto and Omnogovi: A Community Cooperation Agreement. Case ID:Ivey ID: 9B20M005..

Reinert, S., Nam, S., Pan, S., & Werker, E. (2018). ArcelorMittal and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia. Case ID:HBS Case No. 718029..

Applegate, L., Werker, E., Otazo, A., & Peinado, C. (2016). Movile: Building a global technology company. Case ID:HBS Case No. 716-010..

Werker, E., Berardi, S., Elia, S., Muakkassa, O., & Zumberge, J. (2015). Cyprus (A). Case ID:HBS 714-010..

Werker, E., & Law, M. H. K. (2015). Hong Kong: The pursuit of freedom. Case ID:HBS 716-027..

Werker, E., Batbold, B., Kennedy, K., McComish, Z., Savla, S., & Shomair, N. (2015). Rio Tinto and mining in Mongolia: The Oyu Tolgoi deposit. Case ID:HBS 714-018..

Werker, E., & Cornell, I. (2014). Foreign Direct Investment and South Africa (B). Case ID:HBS Supplement No. 712-054..

Werker, E., Berardi, S., Elia, S., Muakkassa, O., & Zumberge, J. (2013). Cyprus (B). Case ID:714011-PDF-ENG..

Werker, E. (2013). MYTO New Entrant IPP. Case ID:HBS Spreadsheet Supplement 713-703..

Werker, E., Berardi, S., Elia, S., Muakkassa, O., & Zumberge, J. (2013). Tax Havens. Case ID:HBS 713-090..

Werker, E., Mandviwala, Y., Motte-Munoz, H., & Wit, A. (2013). Ayala Corporation and the Philippines: Asset allocation in a growing economy (A). Case ID:HBS 713-093..

Werker, E., Mandviwala, Y., Motte-Munoz, H., & Wit, A. (2013). Ayala Corporation and the Philippines: Asset allocation in a growing economy (B). Case ID:HBS 713-094..

Rithmire, M., Werker, E., Kennedy, B., & Knauer, A. (2013). Pittsburgh. Case ID:HBS 713-035..

Werker, E., & Musacchio, A. (2012). GEM 15: Country development strategies in 15 statistics. Case ID:HBS Technical Note 713-025..

Roscini, D., Werker, E., & Yeo, H. (2012). The Kaesong Industrial Complex (B): Global Manufactures GmBH's Dilemma. Case ID:HBS Supplement No. 710-023..

Werker, E., Fisman, R., & Weber, L. (2012). Hermitage's Russia Quandary (A). Case ID:HBS No. 711-054..

Werker, E. (2012). Liberia (TN). Case ID:HBS Teaching Note 713-001..

Werker, E., Ezekwueche, O., & Igun, O. (2012). Privatization of the power sector in Nigeria (B). Case ID:713043-PDF-ENG..

Werker, E., Ezekwueche, O., Igun, O., & Wei, A. (2012). Privatization of the power sector in Nigeria (A). Case ID:713042-PDF-ENG..

Werker, E. (2012). 4M: Four-Markets Analysis for Emerging Economies. Case ID:HBS Technical Note 713-026..

Werker, E., Fisman, R., & Weber, L. (2011). Hermitage's Russia Quandary (B). Case ID:HBS Supplement: 711-055..

Werker, E., & Beganovic, J. (2011). Liberia. Case ID:HBS No. 712-011..

Werker, E., Musacchio, A., & Schlefer, J. (2010). Angola and the resource curse. Case ID:711016-PDF-ENG..

Roscini, D., Werker, E., & Yeo, H. (2009). The Kaesong Industrial Complex (A). Case ID:HBR 710-022..

Weinzierl, M., & Werker, E. (2009). Barack Obama and the Bush Tax Cuts. Case ID:HBR 709-037..

Mikes, A., Tufano, P., Werker, E., & de Neve, J. E. (2009). The World Food programme during the global food crisis (B). Case ID:709052-PDF-ENG..

Mikes, A., Tufano, P., Werker, E., & de Neve, J. E. (2009). The World Food Programme During the Global Food Crisis (A). Case ID:Harvard Business School Case 709-024..

Alfaro, L., Werker, E., & Kim, R. (2007). Aid, Debt Relief, and Trade: An Agenda for Fighting World Poverty (A). Case ID:Harvard Business School Case 707-029..

Alfaro, L., Werker, E., & Kim, R. (2007). Aid, Debt Relief, and Trade: An Agenda for Fighting World Poverty (B). Case ID:Harvard Business School Supplement 707-040..

Werker, E. (2007). Foreign Direct Investment and South Africa. Case ID:Harvard Business School Case 707-019..