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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Jing Li

Professor, International Business

Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Global Investment Strategy


Room: WMC 4305

Phone: 778.782.4568


Room: SGL 3725

Phone: 778.782.9321


Curriculum Vitae: View


Ph.D. (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana,USA); B.A. Econ. (Peking University, Beijing, China)


Professor Jing Li joined the Beedie School of Business in 2004 from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University where she earned her PhD.  Jing is a Canada Research Chair in Global Investment Strategy and the Co-director of the Jack Austin Center for Asia Pacific Business Studies.  She is a member of College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists at the Royal Society of Canada.  She has been an educator and researcher for over fifteen years.  Jing has studied international investment strategies of firms, international joint ventures, firms from emerging markets, innovations in emerging markets, and behavior and performance of state-owned enterprises.  She currently focuses on political risk, geopolitics, and firm strategies.  She has published over thirty articles in various international business and strategy journals, including Strategic Management Journal and Journal of International Business Studies.  Jing is also passionate about teaching and public engagement activities that bring together researchers, business leaders, and policymakers.

Jing finds that Vancouver's multicultural environment makes it easy to integrate into the local culture.  She particularly enjoys Vancouver's outdoor lifestyle, making time to hike and bike in the midst of preparations for teaching classes about global investment strategies. 

Research Interests

International Investment Strategies, Geopolitics and Firm Strategies, Emerging Market Multinational Enterprises, International Joint Ventures, Innovation in Emerging Markets

Selected Publications

articles and reports

Li, Y., Li, J., Zhang, P., & Gwon, S. (2022). Stronger together: Country-of-origin agglomeration and multinational enterprise location choice in an adverse institutional environment. Strategic Management Journal.

Li, J., Shapiro, D., Peng, M. W., & Ufimtseva, A. (2022). CORPORATE DIPLOMACY IN THE AGE OF U.S.-CHINA RIVALRY. Academy of Management Perspectives.

Li, J., Xia, J., Zajac, E. J., & Lin, Z. (2022). Have a Go or Lay Low? Predicting Firms' Rhetorical Commitment versus Avoidance in Response to Polylithic Governmental Pressures. Journal of Management Studies.

Shapiro, D., Li, J., & Feng, M. (2020). Exploring the Liability of Origin: Lessons from Smithfield Foods and Meat Processing in the US During COVID-19. AIB Insights, 30(3).

Chi, T., Li, J., Trigeorgis, L. G., & Tsekrekos, A. E. (2019). Real options theory in international business. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(4), 525-553.

Li, J., Xia, J., Shapiro, D., & Lin, Z. (2018). Institutional compatibility and the internationalization of Chinese SOEs: The moderating role of home subnational institutions. Journal of World Business, 53(5), 641-652.

Li, J., Meyer, K. E., Zhang, H., & Ding, Y. (2018). Diplomatic and corporate networks: Bridges to foreign locations. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(6), 743-752.

Shapiro, D. M., Vecino, C., & Li, J. (2018). Exploring China’s state-led FDI model: Evidence from the extractive sectors in Latin America. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(1), 11-37.

Li, J., Xia, J., & Zajac, E. J. (2018). On the duality of political and economic stakeholder influence on firm innovation performance: Theory and evidence from Chinese firms. Strategic Management Journal, 39(1), 193-216.

Li, J., Xia, J., & Lin, Z. (2017). Cross-border acquisitions by state-owned firms: How do legitimacy concerns affect the completion and duration of their acquisitions? Strategic Management Journal, 38(9), 1915-1934.

Shapiro, D., & Li, J. (2016). Understanding the ‘Enigma’ of Chinese firm performance: confucius and beyond. Management and Organization Review, 12(2), 259-267.

Chen, V. Z., Li, J., & Shapiro, D. M. (2015). Subnational institutions and outward FDI by Chinese firms: The mediating role of firm-specific advantages. Multinational Business Review, 23(4), 254-276.

Oh, C. H., & Li, J. (2015). Commentary: Alan Rugman and the theory of the regional multinationals. Journal of World Business, 50(4), 631-633.

Meyer, K. E., Ding, Y., Li, J., & Zhang, H. (2014). Overcoming distrust: How state-owned enterprises adapt their foreign entries to institutional pressures abroad. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(8), 1005-1028.

Chen, V. Z., Li, J., Shapiro, D. M., & Zhang, X. (2014). Ownership structure and innovation: An emerging market perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(1), 1-24.

Li, Y., Vertinsky, I. B., & Li, J. (2014). National distances, international experience, and venture capital investment performance. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(4), 471-489.

Li, J., Chen, D., & Shapiro, D. M. (2013). FDI Spillovers at the National and Subnational Level: The Impact on Product Innovation by Chinese Firms. Management and Organization Review, 9(3), 413-435.

Li, J., Newenham-Kahindi, A., Shapiro, D., & Chen, V. Z. (2013). The two-tier bargaining model revisited: Theory and evidence from China's natural resource investments in Africa. Global Strategy Journal, 3(4), 300-321.

Li, J., Vertinsky, I., & Zhang, H. (2013). The Quality of Domestic Legal Institutions and Export Performance: Theory and Evidence from China. Management International Review, 53(3), 361-390.

Li, J., Li, Y., & Shapiro, D. (2012). Knowledge seeking and outward FDI of emerging market firms: The moderating effect of inward FDI. Global Strategy Journal, 2(4), 277-344.

Chen, V. Z., Li, J., & Shapiro, D. M. (2012). International reverse spillover effects on parent firms: Evidences from emerging-market MNEs in developed markets. European Management Journal, 30(3), 204-218.

Chen, V. Z., Li, J., & Shapiro, D. M. (2011). Are OECD-prescribed "good corporate governance practices" really good in an emerging economy? Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(1), 115-138.

Li, J., & Li, Y. (2010). Flexibility versus commitment: MNEs ownership strategy in China. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(9), 1550-1571.

Li, J., Chen, D., & Shapiro, D. M. (2010). Product innovations in emerging economies: The role of foreign knowledge access channels and internal efforts in Chinese firms. Management and Organization Review, 6(2), 243-266.

Li, J., Zhou, C., & Zajac, E. J. (2009). Control, collaboration, and productivity in international joint ventures: Theory and evidence. Strategic Management Journal, 30(8), 865-884.

Rugman, A. M., Li, J., & Oh, C. H. (2009). Are supply chains global or regional? International Marketing Review, 26(4), 384-395.

Li, J., & Zhou, C. (2008). Dual-edged tools of trade: How international joint ventures help and hinder capability building of Chinese firms. Journal of World Business, 43(4), 463-474.

Zhou, C., & Li, J. (2008). Product innovation in emerging market-based international joint ventures: An organizational ecology perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(7), 1114-1132.

Li, J., Dhanaraj, C., & Shockley, R. L. (2008). Joint venture evolution: Extending the real options approach. Managerial and Decision Economics, 29(4), 317-336.

Tong, T. W., & Li, J. (2008). Real options and MNE strategies in Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25(1), 153-169.

Li, J., & Rugman, A. M. (2007). Real options and the theory of foreign direct investment. International Business Review, 16(6), 687-712.

Rugman, A. M., & Li, J. (2007). Will China's multinationals succeed globally or regionally? European Management Journal, 25(5), 333-343.

books chapters and monographs

Estrin, S., Li, J., & Shapiro, D. (2020). State-Owned Multinational Enterprises: Theory, Performance, and Impact. In Mellahi, K., Meyer, K., Narula, R., Surdu, I., & Verbeke, A. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Business Strategy. Oxford University Press.

Li, J., & Shapiro, D. (2019). Investments by Emerging Economy Multinationals in Other Emerging Economies. In Grosse, R., & Meyer, K. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Management in Emerging Markets. Oxford University Press.

Li, J., Li, Y., & Rugman, A. M. (2012). Real options theory and international investment strategy: Past, present and future. In Verbeke, A., Merchant, H., & Merchant, H. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on International Strategic Management (pp. 342-359). Edward Elgar Publishing (UK).

Li, J. (2007). Real Options Theory and International Strategy: A Critical Review. Advances in Strategic Management (pp. 67-101). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.

Related Teaching Material

Li, J., & Li, Y. (2020). Amazon Goes Global 2020. Case ID:Ivey ID: 9B20M169..

Li, J., & Zhao, N. B. (2019). China Gold International in Canada: What's Next? Case ID:Ivey ID: 9B19M071..

Dhanaraj, C., & Li, J. (2015). Canadian Institute of Business and Technology in China (B). Case ID:HBS Case No. IMD770..

Dhanaraj, C., & Li, J. (2015). Canadian Institute of Business and Technology in China (A). Case ID:HBS Case No. IMD768..

Li, J. (2011). TCL communication technology and Alcatel: The challenges in post-acquisition integration. .

Li, J. (2011). Beijing Auto's acquisition of Saab automobile's technologies. .

Dhanaraj, C., Li, J., & Evans, J. W. (2010). Bank of America and the Chinese credit card market. Case ID:Ivey 9B10M055..