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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Joey Lam



Joey Lam holds a Ph.D. in Marketing Strategy from Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Canada.

Teaching is an enriching component of an academic career, as Joey views learning as a reciprocal gift. Joey is the winner of the Marketing Management Association's 2022 Annual Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Doctoral Student Competition. She also recently won the 2023 TD Canada Trust Distinguished Teaching Award. 

Joey contributes to the academic marketing community. She is one of the organizers of an online Marketing Seminar Series. From Fall 2020 to Fall 2021, Joey invited 24 researchers from North America, Europe, and Australia to give research seminars for Ph.D. students and faculties. For details about the seminar series, please visit

She also has been a reviewer for journals and conferences multiple times.

Research Interests

Joey's research interests lie in the intersection of marketing, human resources, and psychology, with a particular focus on salesforce deployment in B2B firms. Her dissertation is about how and what B2B salespeople say about their employment experiences. The first paper of her dissertation, "Looking Through the Glassdoor: The Stories that B2B Salespeople Tell," has now been published in Industrial Marketing Management. It is a cross-disciplinary paper integrating research in sales deployment and organizational cultures, through the lens of storytelling. 

In addition to her recent Industrial Marketing Management publication, her research has been published in the Journal of Health Psychology, The International Journal of Management Education, and the Journal of Wine Research. She won Jane K. Fenyo Best Student Research Paper at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference 2023.

Selected Publications

articles and reports

Ferreira, C., Robertson, J., Lam, J., & Vella, J. (2023). Expert reviews uncorked: Contrasting the differences in the language used in online reviews of white and red wine. Journal of Wine Research.

Lord Ferguson, S., Flostrand, A., Lam, J., & Pitt, L. (2022). Caught in a vicious cycle? Student perceptions of academic dishonesty in the business classroom. International Journal of Management Education, 20(3).

Lam, J., Mulvey, M. S., & Robson, K. (2022). Looking through the Glassdoor: The stories that B2B salespeople tell. Industrial Marketing Management, 105, 478-488.

Ferreira, C., Lam, J., Pitt, L., Caruana, A., & Brown, T. (2022). Contrasting compulsive behaviour: Computerized text analysis of compulsion narratives. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(8), 1942-1958.

Lam, J., Feng, M., Treen, E., & Ferreira, C. (2020). The Journal of Wine Research: a 30-year bibliographic analysis. Journal of Wine Research, 31(3), 176-193.

Lam, J., Lambrechts, M., Pitt, C., & Afsharipour, A. (2019). When writing about wine: how ratings impact reviews. Journal of Wine Research, 30(4), 335-345.

books chapters and monographs

Lam, J., Robson, K. E., Plangger, K. A., Kietzmann, J. H., McCarthy, I. P., & Pitt, L. F. (2022). Play, games and gamification: possibilities for customer loyalty. In Keeling, D. I., de Ruyter, K., & Cox, D. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Customer Loyalty (pp. 173-188). Edward Elgar Publishing (UK).