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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Karel Hrazdil

Professor, Accounting

Area Coordinator, Accounting


Room: WMC 3361

Phone: 778.782.6790


Room: SGL 3615

Phone: 778.782.6516


Curriculum Vitae: View


B. Comm., University of Alberta, PhD, University of Alberta, CPA, CGA (British Columbia)


Professor Karel Hrazdil, who joined the Beedie School of Business in August 2007, comes from a long family line of professors. Originally from the Czech Republic, Hrazdil moved to Canada in 1997 to complete his education, graduating with a PhD in accounting from the University of Alberta (UA) in 2007. He enjoys teaching as well as researching financial accounting and reporting in capital markets. A sports enthusiast, Hrazdil enjoys Judo (holds a black belt), scuba diving (PADI Divemaster), and skiing. He also regularly competes in tournaments in Racketlon, which combines the four most popular racquet sports in a single match (table tennis, badminton, squash and tennis).

Research Interests

Industry classification; Financial reporting quality; Executive personality; Corporate Social Responsibility reporting

Selected Publications

articles and reports

Hrazdil, K., Simunic, D. A., & Suwanyangyuan, N. (2024). Auditor Choice and the Informativeness of 10-K Reports. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 39(2), 388-413.

Hrazdil, K., Kim, J. B., Novak, J., & Zatzick, C. (2023). Managerial risk aversion and the structure of executive compensation. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 31(4), 563-581.

Hrazdil, K., Li, C., & Suwanyangyuan, N. (2022). CEO happiness and forecasting. Global Finance Journal, 52.

Hrazdil, K., Mahmoudian, F., & Nazari, J. A. (2021). Executive personality and sustainability: Do extraverted chief executive officers improve corporate social responsibility? Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(6), 1564-1578.

Hrazdil, K., Novak, J., Rogo, R., Wiedman, C., & Zhang, R. (2020). Measuring executive personality using machine-learning algorithms: A new approach and audit fee-based validation tests. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 47(3-4), 519-544.

Chung, D. Y., Hrazdil, K., Novak, J., & Suwanyangyuan, N. (2019). Does the large amount of information in corporate disclosures hinder or enhance price discovery in the capital market? Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 15(1), 36-52.

Nazari, J. A., Hrazdil, K., & Mahmoudian, F. (2017). Assessing social and environmental performance through narrative complexity in CSR reports. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 13(2), 166-178.

Chung, D., Hrazdil, K., & Suwanyangyuan, N. (2016). Disclosure quantity and the efficiency of price discovery Evidence from the Toronto Stock Exchange. Review of Accounting and Finance, 15(2), 122-143.

Chung, D. Y., Hrazdil, K., & Trottier, K. (2015). On the efficiency of intra-industry information transfers: The dilution of the overreaction anomaly. Journal of Banking and Finance, 60, 153-167.

Hrazdil, K., Trottier, K., & Zhang, R. (2014). An intra- and inter-industry evaluation of three classification schemes common in capital market research. Applied Economics, 46(17), 2021-2033.

Hrazdil, K., & Scott, T. (2013). The role of industry classification in estimating discretionary accruals. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 40(1), 15-39.

Chung, D. Y., & Hrazdil, K. (2012). Speed of convergence to market efficiency: The role of ECNs. Journal of Empirical Finance, 19(5), 702-720.

Chung, D. Y., & Hrazdil, K. (2011). Market efficiency and the post-earnings announcement drift. Contemporary Accounting Research, 28(3), 926-956.

Chung, D., & Hrazdil, K. (2010). Liquidity and market efficiency: A large sample study. Journal of Banking and Finance, 34(10), 2346-2357.