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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Mark Moore

Senior Lecturer, Strategy / Business and Society


Room: SGL 3335

Phone: 778.782.7715


Curriculum Vitae: View


Ph.D., M.Phil, M.A., (Columbia University, NY); B.A. (Carleton University, Ottawa)


Mark Moore is a Senior Lecturer in the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University. He received his PhD in Economics from Columbia University in the City of New York.  He teaches Managerial Economics for the Management of Technology MBA, and for the full-time and part-time MBA programs. He also teaches this course for the GDBA (online) program, and for the BBA program. He has taught in the Executive MBA program, supervised MBA projects and has taught strategy for the BBA program from time to time.

Mark has prepared research reports for the Canadian Northern Corridor Research Program, the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and the Inter-American Development Bank and has consulted for the Qikiqtani Inuit Association.

Prior to coming to SFU, Mark taught business and economics at the University of British Columbia, Colgate University and Columbia University. He was also employed by the Bank of Canada in Ottawa, where he conducted research on monetary policy, international portfolio and direct investment flows, and options pricing methods; and as a consultant to Bankers Trust Company in New York, where he performed risk modelling and analysis of the loan portfolio.

Marks's current research is on limited public-private enterprises, and on multijurisdictional and multimodal infrastructure corridors. His most recent research has examined policy options for governments and indigenous groups attempting to share in the profits of non-renewable extractive resources, and has studied the appropriate treatment of risk in public project and regulatory evaluation.  He has published several papers on the modelling and estimation of the appropriate social discount rate for use in cost-benefit analysis. He has also published a cost-benefit study of the consequences for consumers, government and shareholders of the privatization of Canadian National, a welfare analysis of the 1996-2001 Canada-US softwood lumber dispute, and a paper and a book chapter on local mixed enterprises.

Research Interests

Cost-benefit analysis; social discounting; privatization and regulation; public policy analysis.

Selected Publications

articles and reports

Vining, A. R., Moore, M. A., & Boardman, A. E. (2024). Multijurisdictional and Multimodal Transport Corridors: Supranational Social Value, Assembly and Implementation Barriers. Journal of Infrastructure Development.

Moore, M. A., Vining, A. R., & Vining, A. R. (2023). PPP performance evaluation: the social welfare goal, principal–agent theory and political economy. Policy Sciences, 56(2), 267-299.

Vining, A., Vining, A. R., Moore, M. A., Laurin, C., & Laurin, C. (2021). Listed public–private enterprises: stock market information, agency costs and productive efficiency outcomes. International Journal of Public Sector Management.

Boardman, A. E., Moore, M. A., & Vining, A. R. (2020). Financing and Funding Approaches for Establishment, Governance and Regulatory Oversight of the Canadian Northern Corridor. School of Public Policy Publications, 13(25), 1-37.

Moore, M. A., Boardman, A. E., & Vining, A. R. (2020). Social Discount Rates for Seventeen Latin American Countries: Theory and Parameter Estimation. Public Finance Review, 48(1), 43-71.

Moore, M. A., & Vining, A. R. (2018). The Social Rate of Time Preference and the Social Discount Rate. Mercatus Center, George Mason University.

Vining, A. R., Vining, A. R., & Moore, M. A. (2017). Potash ownership and extraction: Between a rock and a hard place in Saskatchewan. Resources Policy, 54, 71-80.

Moore, M. A., Boardman, A. E., & Vining, A. R. (2017). Risk in Public Sector Project Appraisal: It Mostly Does Not Matter! Public Works Management and Policy, 22(4), 301-321.

Moore, M. A., Vining, A. R., & Boardman, A. E. (2017). An Appropriate Social Discount Rate for Use by the IDB. Inter-American Development Bank.

Moore, M. A., Boardman, A. E., & Vining, A. R. (2017). Analyzing risk in PPP provision of utility services: A social welfare perspective. Utilities Policy, 48, 210-218.

Moore, M. A., & Vining, A. R. (2017). The privatization of Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan. Frontier Centre for Public Policy.

Vining, A. R., Boardman, A. E., & Moore, M. A. (2014). The theory and evidence pertaining to local government mixed enterprises. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 85(1), 53-86.

Moore, M. A., Boardman, A., & Vining, A. R. (2013). The choice of the social discount rate and the opportunity cost of public funds. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 4(3), 401-409.

Boardman, A. E., Laurin, C., Moore, M. A., & Vining, A. R. (2013). Efficiency, profitability and welfare gains from the Canadian National Railway privatization. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 6, 19-30.

Moore, M. A., Boardman, A. E., & Vining, A. R. (2013). More appropriate discounting: The rate of social time preference and the value of the social discount rate. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 4(1), 1-16.

Boardman, A. E., Moore, M. A., & Vining, A. R. (2010). The social discount rate for canada based on future growth in consumption. Canadian Public Policy, 36(3), 325-343.

Boardman, A. E., Laurin, C., Moore, M. A., & Vining, A. R. (2009). A cost-benefit analysis of the privatization of Canadian National Railway. Canadian Public Policy, 35(1), 59-83.

Moore, M. A., Boardman, A. E., Vining, A. R., Weimer, D. L., & Greenberg, D. H. (2004). "Just give me a number!" Practical values for the social discount rate. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 23(4), 789-812.

Schwindt, R., Moore, M. A., & Vining, A. (2004). Canadian-U.S. Trade policy: An economic analysis of the softwood lumber case. American Behavioral Scientist, 47(10), 1335-1357.

books chapters and monographs

Boardman, A. E., & Moore, M. A. (2020). Local government mixed enterprises. In Billis, D., & Rochester, C. (Eds.), Handbook on Hybrid Organisations (pp. 66-81). Edward Elgar Publishing (UK).

Moore, M. A. (2014). Discounting. In Haab, T. C., & Whitehead, J. C. (Eds.), Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia. Greenwood Publishing Group.

Moore, M. A., Boardman, A. E., Vining, A. R., Weimer, D. L., & Greenberg, D. H. (2009). "Just Give me a Number!" Practical Values for the Social Discount Rate. In Weimer, D. L. (Ed.), Cost-Benefit Analysis and Public Policy (pp. 102-124). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

Moore, M. A., Boardman, A., & Greenberg, D. H. (2001). The social discount rate in Canada. In Vining, A. R., & Richards, J. (Eds.), Building the Future: Issues in Public Infrastructure in Canada (pp. 73-130). C.D. Howe Institute.