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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Sarah Lord Ferguson

Sessional Instructor, Minor


Curriculum Vitae: View


Sarah is a clinician-researcher that is inspired by the problems that frontline health care providers face. She is investigating how patient experiences with physical pain influence the evaluation of health care services and the health professionals providing them. Her research and doctoral studies are supported with a number of prestigious grants, including the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship of $105,000 awarded to high-caliber PhD students.

Sarah's research has implications for public policy and the overall health of our societies since musculoskeletal pain impacts millions of people world wide and has contributed to the opioid crisis in North America. Sarah is committed to engaging with those that participate in and benefit from her research. She is actively involved in her clinical community and her research to improve patient experience in physiotherapy was formally recognized in 2022 with the Ruth Byman Memorial Award given by the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia.

Sarah has also won awards for her teaching and service to the academic community. As a second year PhD student, she earned Teaching Honor Roll status, which is given to the top 10% of instructors in her faculty. In 2017 and then again in 2020, Sarah received the Roger G Welch Alumni Award for volunteering at SFU, including serving four terms on the SFU Senate and one term on the Board of Governors.

Sarah also regularly completes peer reviews for various marketing and health care journals. In 2019, Sarah volunteered as the Track Chair for Healthcare Marketing for the Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress and Track Chair for Public Policy and Healthcare Marketing at the Society for Marketing Advances Conference.

For a fill list of Sarah's research contributions visit her Google Scholar profile. 

Research Interests

Marketing Strategy; Services Marketing

Selected Publications

articles and reports

Ferguson, S. L., Pitt, C., & Pitt, L. (2020). Using artificial intelligence to examine online patient reviews. Journal of Health Psychology.

de Regt, A., Montecchi, M., & Lord Ferguson, S. (2020). A false image of health: how fake news and pseudo-facts spread in the health and beauty industry. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 29(2), 168-179.

Ferreira, C. C., Lord Ferguson, S., & Pitt, L. F. (2019). Entrepreneurial marketing and hybrid entrepreneurship: the case of JM Reid Bamboo Rods. Journal of Marketing Management, 35(9-10), 867-885.

Robertson, J., Lord Ferguson, S., Eriksson, T., & Näppä, A. (2019). The brand personality dimensions of business-to-business firms: a content analysis of employer reviews on social media. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 26(2), 109-124.

Lord Ferguson, S., Ewing, L., Bigi, A., & Diba, H. (2019). Clustering of influential wine bloggers using automated content analysis techniques. Journal of Wine Research, 30(2), 157-165.

Mills, A. J., Pitt, C., & Ferguson, S. L. (2019). The relationship between fake news and advertising: Brand management in the era of programmatic advertising and prolific falsehood. Journal of Advertising Research, 59(1), 3-8.

Heinonen, K., Campbell, C., & Lord Ferguson, S. (2019). Strategies for creating value through individual and collective customer experiences. Business Horizons, 62(1), 95-104.

Pitt, L., Lord Ferguson, S., & Berthon, P. (2018). The transition from products to connected health: observations and avenues for future research. AMS Review, 8(3-4), 233-239.

Treen, E., Lord Ferguson, S., Pitt, C., & Vella, J. (2018). Exploring emotions on wine websites: finding joy. Journal of Wine Research, 29(1), 64-70.

Related Teaching Material

Hannah, D. R., Lord Ferguson, S. T., & Parent, M. M. (2019). Accounting Exam Irregularities in an MBA Program. Case ID:Ivey ID: 9B19C005..