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Reimagining Your Business Model

A good business model is a framework for how the pieces of a business fit together to achieve its vision. A great business model can adapt to changing conditions and sudden shocks like shifting market conditions, policy, customer needs, or the needs of the community or, as we have seen recently, all of the above, together.

The other side of these shocks are often opportunities for innovation - to change direction to address new needs of the community or to redeploy existing capabilities in new ways. However, this pivot requires not only good strategic alignment, but a mindset based on growth and curiosity and an aversion to fixed thinking. This may sound easy but keeping an open mind when things get hard is the opposite of how humans are hardwired so it takes conscious effort and practice.

Reimagining Your Business Model will consist of six 2-hour workshops that will build on each other to provide a step-by-step guide for business model innovation. By the end of this program, participants will have mapped their business model and understand opportunities to pivot which will result in a strategy to create something stronger and more resilient for the future.

Dr. Sarah Lubik, Executive Director at the Charles Chang Institute for Entrepreneurship, SFU

Dr. Sarah Lubik is an award-winning educator, entrepreneur, researcher and intrapreneur. She is the Executive Director of the Charles Chang Institute for Entrepreneurship and Simon Fraser University (SFU)'s first Director of Entrepreneurship, promoting the power of, and need for, interdisciplinary teams, experiential education and empathy to solve the wicked problems currently facing our world.

She has experience coordinating pan-European startup support programs focusing on key areas such as coaching, funding and clusters, is a certified expert business coach and is the co-founder and director of a high-tech startup: Lungfish Dive Systems. She is on the board of the educational charities Young Entrepreneur Leadership Launchpad (YELL) and PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs, as well as New Ventures BC and the IINC Foundation, supporting a national network of entrepreneurial universities.

Douglas Fast, Principal at Dark Water Tek, Visiting Lecturer at Beedie @ SFU, Lead Embedded Mentor at SFU Coast Capital Savings Venture Connection

Doug is the Founder and Principal of Dark Water Tek, a consultancy that assists clients in applying systematic creativity and imagination to business model and product innovation. He is also a Visiting Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation @ Beedie and the Lead Embedded Mentor at Coast Capital Savings Venture Connection @ SFU.

Prior to founding Dark Water Tek, Doug held the roles of CEO at Nyce Control, President of Spectrum Signal Processing, and Executive Vice President of Vecima Networks Inc. He joined Vecima in its early days, and played several key roles in helping scale the company to success at 900+ staff and C$120M in revenue.

The fee for the program is $299 + GST

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