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Graduate Programs

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CMC Blog

Message from Gurwinder Singh, Graduate CMC Director

Dear Beedie students, alumni and guests,

As the Director of the Graduate Career Management Centre, I welcome you, with great excitement, to the Graduate Career Management Centre’s new blog site!

I, and the Grad CMC team, greatly value your career journey as a graduate business student and as an alumnus. Through this blog we hope to celebrate the stories and the relationships that we have cultivated with you. This platform will be a space for us to showcase insights from students, alumni, and industry partners, highlight articles on career resources, as well as, tips from career advisors.

We hope you will engage with us by contributing to the Grad CMC Blog, sharing the posts, and providing ideas for content that you would like to read.

Kristen Noel is credited with saying: “our collective stories and experience can be the greatest textbooks of life.” With this in mind, we hope that this platform will help build a community of thinkers and creators, and together, we can create a space that is empowering, engaging and inspiring.


Gurwinder Singh
Director, Graduate Career Management Centre

Students' Corner

Gain insight and learn about past events from grad students like yourself. Written by students for students.

Advisors' Corner

Read articles about career resources and check out tips from your CMC advisors.

Alumni Corner

Catch up on interviews with alumni where they share their Beedie experiences and career development stories.