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Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Academic Advising

Academic Policies

Enrolment Policies


A prerequisite is a requirement which must be satisfied before taking a course.


A corequisite is a requirement which must be satisfied before, or while taking a course.

To determine whether a course has a prerequisite or a corequisite, please use the academic calendar to view course details and requirements.

Prerequisite to Corequisite Policy

Prerequisites are set to ensure the foundational knowledge to succeed in the class has been met before enrolling in the course. If a student is missing one or more prerequisites required for a course, the Student Information Management System (SIMS) will not allow the student to enroll. Students are expected to complete all prerequisites prior to starting the course. A prerequisite to a corequisite waiver will only be granted under extenuating circumstances. An advisor will review the case, and if an extenuating circumstance does not exist, then the request will be denied. However, if an extenuating circumstance does exist, the request is elevated to the instructor (directly by the advisor) for final approval. The instructor will have the ability to deny the request if the instructor believes the student doesn’t have the background to succeed in the classroom.

  • Enrolment into all Business courses is exclusively governed by waitlists in week one
  • The last day to drop a class with a 100% tuition refund is the 7th calendar day of the first week of classes. Course drop fees apply after this date. While fees are not applied for dropping from waitlists, they apply to students dropping enrolled courses.Click here for the full course drop and fee dates.
  • Depending on the instructor’s preference, a select number of Business course waitlists may run beyond week one, until the end of week two.
  • If/when seats become available in week 2, students will be directly added to the course by order of the existing waitlist. If you do not wish to be added to a Business Course in week 2, please ensure you remove yourself from the waitlist.

To find out if and how your instructor is accepting students in week two, contact

Students are urged to read the tuition refund policy and penalties for dropping courses carefully to avoid, or minimize, financial penalty for dropping courses in which they enroll.

Details of the undergraduate policy, and deadlines, appear in the Undergraduate Fees section of the Academic Calendar.

An advisor can assist students with tutorial swaps during week 2 space permitting. Tutorial swaps are not permitted during week 3.

Directed Studies courses to make it possible for students to work with a continuing Business faculty member in an area of mutual interest. It is up to the student and instructor to determine the structure and meetings for the course, as well as how many units the course will be worth. A directed studies course must be different from any other business course available at SFU and may not replace a course offered at SFU. Directed Studies courses are not permitted to count towards concentration requirements. For further information contact

Students who wish to take a course at another institution must first apply for a Letter of Permission (LOP). The Beedie School of Business does not normally permit Letters of Permission, and approvals to take a course at another institution will not be granted unless an approved academic reason is provided. An LOP will not be permitted for a course offered at SFU.

SFU students who wish to audit business courses at the Beedie School of Business are encouraged to review the University’s course audit policy.

Students wishing to audit a business course must seek approval from the Beedie School of Business, and must meet all prerequisites and eligibility requirements for the course.

Students auditing business courses are not eligible to participate in class discussions, write exams, or submit assignments. Audited courses do not count towards the completion of the program requirements. Please contact a Beedie School of Business Academic Advisor for further details on the process.

The Beedie School of Business does not offer opportunities for students to challenge business courses.

Grading Policies

Grade requirements are dictated by the term of your admission to the Beedie School of Business. Please refer to the SFU Academic Calendar to review course, program, and university grade requirements.

The Beedie School of Business applies grades in a fair and consistent manner. If you feel there was a miscalculation with your grade, or you are unclear how your final grade was achieved, it is recommended that you first speak with your instructor.

The Beedie School of Business has two processes in place to support grade appeal requests. You are encouraged to contact a Beedie School of Business Academic Advisor prior to appealing your grade. We also recommend reviewing SFU’s Grading and the Reconsideration of Grades policy.

Reconsideration of Grades

It is expected that prior to initiating a request for reconsideration of a grade, you have been in contact with your instructor and have received a response.

In the event that you do not receive a timely reply from your instructor, or are not satisfied with the response, you may present in writing, your request and supporting reasons for it to the Beedie School of Business Undergraduate Academic Advising Office.

To begin the Request for Reconsideration of Grade process, please contact the Beedie School of Business Undergraduate Academic Advising Office. Requests for a reconsideration of grade should be raised with the instructor, normally within 10 days of the release of the final grade. You must provide supporting reasons for a reconsideration of your final grade, as well as include relevant work returned by your instructor. It is expected that all parties involved in the request for reconsideration of a grade will respond in a timely manner, normally within 10 business days of receiving the request. The reconsideration of a grade may result in the grade being raised, lowered or remaining unchanged.

If you wish to challenge the outcome of the request for reconsideration of grade, youmay do so through the formal grade appeal process detailed below.

Formal Grade Appeal

If you believe your request for reconsideration of grade has been inappropriately addressed, you may pursue a formal grade appeal.

As with a request for reconsideration of a grade, all relevant material should accompany the request. This includes any and all documentation associated with the request for reconsideration of grade process. Please consult with the Beedie School of Business Undergraduate Advising Office to initiate the Formal Grade Appeal process.

A student who is seeking a formal grade appeal is expected to raise this concern with the Academic Director within 10 business days of the release of the results of the request for reconsideration of a grade. The Academic Director will review all material.

It is expected that all parties involved in the grade appeal process will respond in a timely manner, normally within 10 days of receiving the request.

Types of Academic Appeals

Admission to the Honours Program

If you are unsuccessful with your honours application, you may submit a request to appeal the admission decision.

Repeat Appeals

As per SFU repeat policies, the number of courses a student may repeat within a degree program is limited to five, and the number of times in which a student may repeat a course is one. For detailed information on SFU’s repeat policy, please review the information here.

While we understand that there may be circumstances which require you to repeat a course for degree requirements beyond the limit stipulated in the SFU calendar. In such cases, you may submit an appeal to the Beedie School of Business Academic Appeals Committee.

Academic Appeal Applications

Please speak with a Beedie School of Business Academic Advisor to discuss your options. If you would like to submit an academic appeal, you will be provided with a copy of the Academic Appeals form, and will be guided through the process and requirements needed to submit your academic appeal. Academic appeals are adjudicated twice per team: once before the enrollment period and once before the start of classes.

Timeline for Appeals


Deadline 1: October 15th

Deadline 2: December 30th


Deadline 1: February 15th

Deadline 2: April 30th


Deadline 1: June 15th

Deadline 2: August 30th

Assessment of Appeals

The Committee will assess cases based on:

  • Appeal letter (typed, no more than 2 pages double-spaced, or 1 page single-spaced)
  • Academic advising transcript and graduation check
  • Scheduling timetable
  • Any additional supporting documentation relevant to your appeal

Submission of Appeal Package

Appeals must be submitted by email to

All program requirements and transfer admission requirements must be graded using the Standard Grade System.

All BUS courses (other than BUS 216 and BUS 221) and courses that meet program requirements for Bus Major/Joint Major/Bus Honours/Joint Honours/Minor /Business Certificates are not considered electives and must have letter grades. These courses will not meet the Business program requirements if the Elective Grade System (P/CR/NC) option is selected. Once the deadline has passed, the grade option cannot be changed.

Please consult with an advisor if you are unsure about your choice.


If your question is not answered below please check the Elective Grade System - Student support and resources FAQ

I am a business major/joint major/minor student, which courses can I choose the P/CR/NC grade system for?

  • All program requirements and transfer admission requirements must be graded using the Standard Grade System with two exceptions in BUS 216 & BUS 221 as these do not meet program requirements. In non-business selective courses where a BUS student must complete "one of these courses" a standard letter grade must be completed in at least one option.

I am a business major student and want to opt in for the P/CR/NC grade system within the courses used towards meeting my WQB requirements. Is this possible?

  • Business Major students complete their writing (W), quantitative (Q), breadth-social science courses and 3-units of breadth-humanities (in select cases), directly through the lower-division and upper-division course requirements. As the successful completion of a course with a minimum C-minus or elected P grade is required for it to be used towards meeting a WQB requirement, Business Major students may elect a P grade within courses used to meet Breadth-Science and Breadth-Humanities requirements which is not also used towards meeting their lower-division requirement (i.e., the one of ENGL/PHIL/WL required within the lower division requirements). For reference, please see SFU's Breadth designated courses.

I am a business minor student with 16 satisfied units of upper division business coursework, can I choose a P/CR/NC grades in additional upper division coursework?

  • All BUS courses (except the two exceptions) are considered program requirements otherwise degree progression may be impacted. If it is a non-business upper division course than you can elect the Elective Grade System (P/CR/NC) option.

I am a business major student taking an elective 400-level BUS course out of interest (not in my concentration or the core) is it possible to choose the Elective Grade System for this in this course?

  • All BUS courses (except those two exceptions) are considered program requirements otherwise degree progression may be impacted.

What happens if I chose a non-standard letter grade in a Business course that is neither BUS 216 or 221? How is that counted towards my overall degree requirements?

  • It is the responsibility of the student to carefully select courses that are not program requirements as goSFU will not stop you from selecting the Elective Grade System (P/CR/NC) option for a business course. Past the deadline your selection cannot be changed. Students may designate a maximum of 12 units of elective grades toward degree completion. Consult an advisor how this course may have impacted degree progression.

I have elected a P/CR/NC grade in a required course for admission (Major, Minor, Joint Major) and now have to repeat this course. Which grade will you use in the admission calculation? Will this count as a repeat?

  • Required course for admission will require a letter grade and it will count as a repeat.

When 36 units of Upper Division BUS have been met, can additional 9 units of Upper Division include non-business P/CR to make up the total of 45 units for this requirement?

  • The Elective Grade System (P/CR/NC) can be chosen for non-BUS upper division. All upper division BUS courses must have a letter grade. Consult with an advisor as P/CR in upper division requirements have impacts within some concentrations and may impact graduate school considerations.

As a business major student can I choose P/CR/NC for my Directed Study elective in another program?

  • Requirements for directed studies are unique to each course and you should consult that department regarding requirements.

As a non-business student will electing for the P/CR/NC in a BUS course allow me to enroll in a future pre-requisite course in BUS?

  • A (P) will satisfy prerequisite courses when no minimum letter grade is required.

I am a business major student looking to pursue a joint major. I am currently taking an elective that will become a program requirement, can I choose a P/CR/NC for this course?

  • You can select the Elective Grade System (P/CR/NC) option for this course but upon admission you will need to retake this course or another comparable course if that is an option.