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Student Involvement Awards

The Student Involvement Awards provide an opportunity to celebrate the milestones and achievements of undergraduate students, student organizations, faculty and alumni who amplify the co-curricular student experience at the Beedie School of Business (BsB). Through the awards, we recognize hard work, dedication, and commitment to learning and development.

The selfless contributions of our energetic students, dedicated faculty members, and proud alumni have a positive impact on the Beedie community. These generous efforts not only inspire others but also serve as a motivating force, encouraging continued efforts to make a difference.

The awards are hosted by the Beedie School of Business and presented at the BASS Celebration Gala (BCG). We encourage you to take a moment to submit a nomination for those individuals and groups who have demonstrated tireless commitment and outstanding contributions to our community and student experience over the past year for recognition and acknowledgement.


The nomination period for 2024 is now closed. Thank you for your nominations!


Who can nominate
  • Students nominating other students or student groups
  • Alumni, faculty, staff members, or industry professionals nominating a student or group
  • Student, alumni, faculty, or staff nominating alumni and faculty for applicable awards
  • Self-nominations are allowed. However, individuals who self-nominate need to obtain endorsement letters from peers, faculty, or others to strengthen and support the nomination
Eligible individuals and activities include
  • Initiatives and efforts from SFU Beedie Undergraduates (BBA Major or Business Minor program), Beedie-Sponsored Student Organizations, Joint Initiatives, and Faculty and Alumni that support undergraduate co-curricular experiences at the Beedie School of Business
  • Individuals or groups that have been involved with the SFU Beedie community and meet the award criteria and eligibility described in each award
  • Any student who meets the award criteria and eligibility described in each award
  • Previous Student Involvement Awards recipients can still be nominated in a category different than the one they earned in the past year

IMPORTANT: The nomination must provide a concise and well-articulated description of why the individual, group or experience deserves the award and how they meet the award criteria. The nomination package should include relevant facts, data, and clear examples to support the nomination. The nomination form includes full guidelines and requirements. We ask nominators to read forms carefully before submitting a nomination.

Nominations should be submitted via email to with all documentation in one package. This includes the Nominee and Nominator Information (Step 1) as well as the Award Details (Step 2) and additional documentation by March 18, 2024 at 11:59 PST.


Nominees must:

  • Be currently enrolled in BBA Major or Business Minor program
  • Have a minimum CGPA of 2.5
  • Be in good academic standing with the university

Please refer to each award for other specific criteria and eligibility.


Nominations must:

  • Be from an active SFU Beedie-Sponsored student organization or Joint-Initiative
  • Must be in good standing with its governing bodies (i.e SFSS, SFU Beedie)
  • Be primarily student-led and organized
  • Project, event or program must have taken place during the nomination period between March 19, 2023, and March 18, 2024

Please refer to each award for other specific criteria and eligibility.

  • Self-nominations are allowed
  • Endorsement letters from peers, faculty, or others are required for self-nominations
Award Criteria
  • Each award has specific criteria and requirements; please read them carefully
  • Ensure the individual, group or experience matches the award requirements
  • Verification and Gala Tickets: A nomination does not guarantee a subsidized ticket to the BASS Celebration Gala. Only verified and shortlisted nominees will be invited to the Gala. Interested attendees should purchase their own tickets at
Multiple Nominations
  • Submit intentional, thorough nominations with clear impact examples
  • Ideally, limit to 1 nomination per person per category
  • Maximum of 3 nominations per category for a single individual or group
  • Mass nominations are those in which a person creates a document with the purpose of sharing it with other people to facilitate the nomination process for another person. Mass nominations are not allowed as they do not provide authenticity from the nominator and overload the nomination process
  • Nominations must be detailed, unique, and meet word count criteria in the nomination form to be considered. Incomplete and/or mass-produced nomination packages will not be considered
Integrity of Nominations
  • Use of AI (ChatGPT) is not allowed
  • Nominations will be checked for authenticity
  • Grammar support tools (e.g., Grammarly) are allowed
  • Examples in nominations must be true and accurate
  • Nominees must meet award criteria, including CGPA requirements
Nomination Requirements and Process
  • Label nominations properly: Award Name_Person/Program/Event (e.g., Emerging Leader_Jaime Smith)
  • Nomination must meet award-specific criteria
  • The nominations will be presented to an Adjudication Committee comprised of SFU and SFU Beedie faculty and staff members. The Adjudication Committee does not contain any SEDO or Experiential Learning staff members, Case Competition coaches, current Beedie students or any student organization members in order to have a fair selection process. Completed nomination forms are due from nominators by March 18, 2024 at 11:59PM PST. They should be submitted via email to the Student Engagement and Development Office at with all the documentation in one package
  • The Student Engagement and Development Office (SEDO) will review nominations to ensure nominations meet the award criteria
Consent and Verification
  • SEDO will request consent to verify CGPA
  • Latest posted CGPA (Fall semester) will be considered
  • A nomination may be disqualified for mass writing, AI use, or not meeting criteria
  • Please acknowledge the nomination guidelines in your nomination form
Contact Information

If Nominators have questions regarding the process or specifics of their nomination, please contact Fernanda Amaro at


The Student Leader of the Year is presented to a member of the SFU Beedie Undergraduate program who has taken on a formal leadership role and has gone above and beyond to support their team and the SFU Beedie community. A formal leadership position is defined as a position with a title. The position could have been elected, part of an interview and selection process, etc.

The Student Leader of the Year recognizes the individual's exceptional performance, growth, and commitment to their areas of involvement, as well as their diligence to help their organization thrive, remain in alignment with mission and values, and accomplish collective goals. This leader would have exemplified skills such as critical thinking, innovation, ethical decision making, teamwork, and strategic thinking.

  • Must have participated and be involved in a SFU Beedie-supported student organization, association, programming, event, or initiative supported by the SFU Beedie School of Business
  • Must be enrolled in a BBA or Business Minor program
  • Must have held a formal leadership position within a SFU Beedie-sponsored organization or Joint Initiative for at least 5 months
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5
  • This award only recognizes voluntary contributions. Paid positions will not be considered unless the commitment and contributions of this individual go above and beyond their paid position

Leaders are not defined by titles or positions. Rather, a leader is someone who models the way and inspires others towards a shared vision. The Inspirational Leader Award is presented to a student who regardless of position has fostered inspiration amongst those they work with and demonstrated leadership skills such as resilience, persistence, creativity, and encouraging others.

The individual may be advancing a cause in a way that inspires and unites others to join them, compounding their overall impact towards action. They may have persisted through setbacks, uncertainty, and challenging circumstances. Their character, actions, and words help foster teamwork to ensure projects, initiatives, or deadlines are met, and leave their communities thriving better than before. Others are inspired by this person and their way of leading.

This award is open to all Beedie students, regardless of formal titles or leadership roles. Inspiring others stems from commitment to the community, exemplifying values, helping others grow their potential, and overcoming challenges.

  • Must be enrolled in a BBA or Business Minor student
  • Minimum GPA 2.5
  • This award only recognizes voluntary contributions. Paid positions will not be considered unless the commitment and contributions of this individual go above and beyond their paid position

Mentorship is a valued and vital role in the development and guidance of SFU Beedie undergraduate students. The Mentor of the Year award recognizes the commitment of an individual who has demonstrated outstanding mentorship abilities to support, encourage, connect, and foster growth in a mentee. This award recognizes a mentor who has shown exceptional ability to guide and motivate a mentee(s) in a respectful, responsible, and mature manner.
The award is open to anyone with a mentorship role whether with a formal title or informal.

Examples include but are not limited to
  • BASS Mentorship program
  • Beedie Writing Mentor
  • LAUNCH Leader
  • Business Career Peers
  • Must be a current SFU BBA or Business Minor student
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5

The Emerging Leader Award recognizes a first-year business student who has displayed enthusiasm and eagerness to participate and engage purposely within the SFU Beedie Community. This individual demonstrates initiative in developing leadership skills, energetically takes part in co-curricular experiences and expresses curiosity and openness to diverse experiences. This award recognizes the personal and professional growth the student has experienced and showcases their high potential in becoming a leader within the community.

This award recognizes the student's commitment to a well-balanced student experience inside and outside of the classroom during their first year.

  • Must be enrolled in a BBA or Business Minor program
  • Must be in their first year of study at the SFU Beedie School of Business and have begun their studies in SFU Beedie between Summer 2023, Fall 2023, or Spring 2024. Candidate must have been admitted: As a high school graduate entering SFU Beedie in their first semester of university or as a transfer student, into SFU Beedie from another faculty or institution. Includes Business Minor students admitted in Summer 2023

The SFU Beedie School of Business has seen a year full of remarkable case competition performances. This award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated fair play, dedication, teamwork, and excellence in their role as a case competitor. Beyond recognizing top performance, this award acknowledges the individual who has generously given back to the community. Whether through coaching junior teams, sharing knowledge with other competitors and providing valuable feedback when needed, it gives credit to personal development, excellence, and commitment to growing our community of competitors.

  • Must be enrolled in a BBA or Business Minor student
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Must have competed between March 2023 and March 2024

The Community Impact Award recognizes outstanding efforts of a student, student organization or group for their meaningful contributions to the community. They have made a positive impact on the social, cultural, sustainability or environmental matters of the community they are involved with, including SFU Beedie, SFU, and external community. Their contributions help develop socially responsible business leaders.

Award recipient(s) must have identified gaps or needs within their surrounding communities and engaged in meaningful work that helps address these while taking steps towards positive social change. They have built and developed connections with community members and leaders or other stakeholders to sustain community engagement. As a result, the community or communities impacted are experiencing a positive outcome and will have built greater competence and understanding among the participants, organizers, and community collaborators (e.g., alumni, instructors, industry professionals, subject matter experts, etc.)

  • Co-curricular experience within SFU, SFU Beedie or in the surrounding communities.
  • If individual, must be currently enrolled in the BBA or Business Minor program at SFU
  • Must have a minimum GPA requirement of 2.5 if individual
  • If group, must be hosted by a SFU Beedie sponsored, student-led organizing team, or Joint Initiative

Please note, this award may be awarded to an individual, group or both. Nominations will be reviewed within the category they belong. For example all individual submissions will be reviewed with other individual submissions.

Quantitative Factors
  • Number of community members engaged or impacted by
  • Number of resources saved or conserved through sustainable practices
  • Attendance and participation rates in social/sustainable focused events
Qualitative Factors
  • Relevant documentation of initiatives, programs, or research, examples include reports, news, testimonials, and feedback from the community members, stakeholders, and collaborators


The Alumni Impact Award recognizes an outstanding SFU Beedie School of Business Alumni, whose voluntary contributions have significantly enhanced the student experience. This individual has shown their commitment to developing individuals and organizations by providing coaching, mentoring, and encouraging student engagement in the SFU Beedie community.

  • Must have graduated from an SFU Beedie School of Business Program as of April 1, 2023

The Faculty Recognition Award recognizes an outstanding faculty member whose voluntary contributions have significantly enhanced the co-curricular student experience. This individual has shown their commitment to developing individuals and organizations by providing coaching, mentoring, promoting learning outside of the classroom and encouraging student engagement in the SFU Beedie community.

  • Must be a current faculty member of the SFU Beedie School of Business
  • Must not be a Student Involvement Awards Adjudication Committee member
  • Nominees for this award will be evaluated based on their work from April 1, 2023, to March 18, 2024


The Event of the Year Award recognizes an event that has significantly impacted the SFU Beedie community. It acknowledges the organizers’ outstanding commitment throughout the planning and execution process. This award is granted to an event that reflects the values of creativity, innovation, and engagement within the SFU Beedie Community.

  • Must be hosted by a SFU Beedie-sponsored organization or Joint Initiative
  • Must be primarily led by students (not staff or faculty led initiative)
  • Eligible events include online, in-person, hybrid, single-day, and multi-day events
  • For programs that are longer term, which may be part of a series or made up of a cohort (i.e., a set group of participants that continue throughout a period of multiple weeks), please nominate those in the Program of the Year Award
  • Event must have happened between March 19, 2023, and March 18, 2024

The Student Organization of the Year is awarded to a Student Organization that has demonstrated excellence in the areas of community engagement, collaboration, innovation, and leadership development. In addition, the award acknowledges the organization's overall contribution to the SFU Beedie student experience and the impact on communities within and beyond SFU Beedie.

Examples of Student Organizations
Student Organizations & Joint Initiatives
    • Must be an official SFU organization with an executive team with more than 50% participation by SFU Beedie Students (BBA Major or Business Minor program)
    • Must be supported by the Beedie School of Business (Partnership or Joint-Initiative)
    • Must be active and in good standing with its governing bodies during eligibility period
    • Must offer opportunities and events that are open to SFU Beedie students. Examples include leadership positions, networking events, skill development opportunities, and programs that promote learning and development

    The Program of the Year recognizes a transformative long-term initiative that has made a valuable contribution to the learning and development of its participants and the SFU Beedie community. This award acknowledges commitment, personal growth among both participants and those responsible for executing the program or initiative, and engagement with each other. The organization or group of people who organized the program would have demonstrated dedication, excellence, intentionality, and well-planned implementation.

    Eligible programs would have taken place over multiple weeks. Examples include a series of workshops, discussions, or sessions, and may include a cohort starting and ending the program together (e.g., a set group of participants that continue their involvement throughout 3 weeks or more).

    • Must be from an official SFU organization with an executive team with more than 50% participation by SFU Beedie Students (BBA Major or Business Minor program)
    • Must be supported by the Beedie School of Business (Partnership or Joint-Initiative)
    • Must be active and in good standing with its governing bodies during eligibility period
    • Must have a duration of at least 3 weeks
    • If the initiative you are nominating was a single day or multi-day event (i.e., a conference, short-term competition, or networking opportunity), please nominate it under the Event of the Year category
    • The Program must have concluded by March 18, 2024, for consideration for the 2024 Student Involvement Awards. Beyond this window, please apply for the 2025 Student Involvement Awards
    • Eligible programs include online, in-person, hybrid, single-day, and multi-day events
    • Students would have led the planning, implementation, and execution of the program
    • Programs where staff, faculty, industry, alumni, or other non-SFU Beedie students take the lead in setting the program content, curriculum, and events will not be considered

    The Experiential Learning award recognizes a student organization, student group, program, or event that engaged students in a practical, hands-on experience where ‘learning by doing’ was at the core. An experiential initiative goes beyond the traditional classroom setting, providing students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world situations. Participants actively engage, experiment, and problem-solve, gaining new experiences, skill sets and competencies in the process. The initiative encourages critical analysis and reflection to make meaning of new knowledge.

    • Must be created by a SFU Beedie-Sponsored Organization, student-led organizing team, Joint-Initiative or group of students within a class
    • Must have been created and in practice during this period: March 19, 2023, and March 18, 2024
    • This award recognizes activities that are student developed and not part of paid position. To be considered, the activity or experience must fall within the co-curricular or in-class category
    • Initiative must have had a component in which participants were able to engage in application of knowledge, hands on work, and reflection.
    • Project within a classroom may be considered if the activity content was generated by students. Not developed by a faculty member

    The Community Impact Award recognizes outstanding efforts of a student, student organization or group for their meaningful contributions to the community. They have made a positive impact on the social, cultural, sustainability or environmental matters of the community they are involved with, including SFU Beedie, SFU, and external community. Their contributions help develop socially responsible business leaders.

    Award recipient(s) must have identified gaps or needs within their surrounding communities and engaged in meaningful work that helps address these while taking steps towards positive social change. They have built and developed connections with community members and leaders or other stakeholders to sustain community engagement. As a result, the community or communities impacted are experiencing a positive outcome and will have built greater competence and understanding among the participants, organizers, and community collaborators (e.g., alumni, instructors, industry professionals, subject matter experts, etc.).

    • Co-curricular experience within SFU, SFU Beedie or in the surrounding communities.
    • If individual, must be currently enrolled in the BBA or Business Minor program at SFU
    • Must have a minimum GPA requirement of 2.5 if individual
    • If group, must be hosted by a SFU Beedie sponsored, student-led organizing team, or Joint Initiative

    Please note, this award may be awarded to an individual, group or both. Nominations will be reviewed within the category they belong, for example all individual submissions will be reviewed with other individual submissions.

    Quantitative Factors
    • Number of community members engaged or impacted by
    • Number of resources saved or conserved through sustainable practices
    • Attendance and participation rates in social/sustainable focused events
    Qualitative Factors
    • Relevant documentation of initiatives, programs, or research, examples include reports, news, testimonials, and feedback from the community members, stakeholders, and collaborators

    The Collaboration of the Year Award recognizes collaboration between a Student Organization, Joint Initiative, or student group with an internal or external organization. This award recognizes meaningful partnerships highlighting how teamwork, shared experiences, the power of diverse thoughts and skills contribute to fill knowledge gaps and create transformative experiences. This collaboration will have resulted in a significant impact on the SFU Beedie, or outside community. It also showcases the positive outcome lead by joining forces, thereby creating beneficial change for the community and those participating in the initiative.

    • One part of the collaboration must include 50% participation from SFU Beedie students (BBA and/or Business Minor)
    • Must be supported by the Beedie School of Business (Sponsorship, Joint Program, etc.) during the eligibility period
    • Must be active from April 1, 2023, to April 1, 2024

    Previous Award Recipients 

    Individual Awards

    Student Leader of the Year: Liz Gilder

    Inspirational Leader Award: Daniel Kim

    Mentor of the Year: Vinh Phan

    Case Competitor of the Year: Sarah Lin

    Emerging Leader Award: Alicia Lee

    Sustainability Leader: Daius Steiner

    Recognition Awards

    Faculty Recognition Award: Sam Thiara

    Alumni Impact Award: Dynamic Tang

    Group Awards

    Student Organization of the Year: SFU JDC West

    Event of the Year: Enactus SFU - Forward Vision

    Experiential Learning: Axis Consulting

    Program of the Year: SMA REACH - Consulting Program

    Individual Awards

    Student Leader of the Year: Julianna Graham

    Inspirational Leader Award: Kip Guthrie

    Mentor of the Year: Andy Jhi

    Case Competitor of the Year: Chase Landa

    Emerging Leader Award: Jake Melo Valinho

    Community Impact Award: Twinkle Pethad

    Recognition Awards

    Faculty Recognition Award: Simon Ford

    Alumni Impact Award: Andrew Wong

    Group Awards

    Student Organization of the Year: BASS

    Event of the Year: Enactus SFU - Forward Vision

    Experiential Learning: SFU Team Phantom

    Program of the Year: Beedie Urban Development Program

    Collaboration of the Year Award: MISA ThinkTECH

    Community Impact Award: Enactus SFU Aqua Analyzer