Rekha Krishnan Receives the 2009 Verity Award for “Overall Outstanding Paper in Management”

Apr 12, 2010

Rekha KrishnanRekha Krishnan, Assistant Professor of International Business at SFU Business, has been selected to receive the 2009 Verity Award for excellence in research in the management field.

Her award-winning paper, co-authored with Alex Eapen, is entitled “Conform or Rebel: When Does Keeping to the Rules Enhance Firm Performance?” It was published in the June 2009 issue of Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (CJAS).

The Verity International Award for Overall Outstanding Paper in Management is given in recognition of the most outstanding paper in the field of management, published in CJAS in the year it is granted.

The award was established in 2006, in conjunction with Verity International Limited. Research considered for this award comes from disciplines traditionally considered within the field of management – including human resources management, organizational behaviour, strategic management and international business.

Rekha Krishnan joined the Faculty of Business Administration at Simon Fraser University in September 2005 from the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands. She focuses on international alliance performance and is particularly interested in the softer, relational issues which can affect alliance performance.

Originally from India, she is also a poet and has been published in Indian English language newspapers. Additionally, she writes business cases for non-academic business media in India.