SFU Business PhD Candidate Stacey Fitzsimmons Receives 2008 Best Student Paper Award 

Apr 28, 2009

Congratulations to SFU Business PhD Candidate Stacey Fitzsimmons on being awarded the Paul Tai Yip Ng Memorial Endowment Award for Best Student Paper for 2008.

Stacey’s paper “Multiple Modes of Biculturalism: Antecedents and Outcomes” proposes that there are four general patterns bicultural people use to organize their multiple cultural identities: prioritizing; hybridizing; compartmentalizing; aggregating. Bicultural peoples’ personal history, current context and cultural content predict which of these four patterns they’re likely to use. In turn, the four biculturalism patterns predict personal, social, and task outcomes. The relationship between bicultural identity patterns and outcomes is strongest when organizational identification is weak. Each pattern of biculturalism has a unique set of antecedents and outcomes, and brings a unique set of skills to the global workforce. Overall, this research may help us understand the skills and abilities that bicultural employees bring to the global workplace.

Paul Tai Yip Ng Memorial Endowment Fund

Mr. Peter Eng, family members, friends and colleagues established this fund at Simon Fraser University in 1997 in memory of Mr. Peter Eng’s father, the late Mr. Paul Tai Yip Ng. Presently the fund provides for the annual awarding of a prize to the best student paper that advances understanding of cross-cultural activities, particularly as they apply to Canada and Asia-Pacific.