Leyland Pitt Awarded Grant to Investigate Apps

Oct 27, 2009

Marketing Professor, Leyland Pitt has received a seed grant from the Advanced Practices Council (APC) of the Society for Information Management to investigate “iApps in U-Space: Developing Customer Service Applications for Smart Phones”, with Iris Junglas, University of Houston.

The Advanced Practices Council is a forum for senior IT executives who commission exclusive research and share cross-industry perspectives.

This grant is awarded for a proposal that is to be developed into a presentation for an SIM/APC meeting to take place in Atlanta, GA in January 2010. If the SIM/APC committee thinks the project should go on to the pilot stage, Leyland and his co-author will receive additional funding with further funding possible on a subsequent round of presentations and evaluations.

For more information on the “iApps in U-Space” proposal, click here.