Media Matters – SFU Business Professors in the News

Sep 12, 2008

How SFU Business fared in the news for the week of September 12, 2008

Federal Election

  • Marketing prof Lindsay Meredith was in The Vancouver Sun, 24Hours and on News1130 with his take on Prime Minister Harper’s choreographed media visit to a Chinese-Canadian family home in Richmond on Monday.
  • Meredith was also in The Province and on CBC Radio in a story on a Liberal website called, that bills itself as the “free encyclopedia of Conservative scandals.”

National News

  • The Saskatoon StarPhoenix picked up an Edmonton Journal feature of two weeks ago, on moonlighting. Mark Wexler, professor of business ethics, was quoted.

BC News

  • A lot of BC Hydro customers will see red over the utility’s new electricity pricing scheme, SFU marketing guru Lindsay Meredith told The Vancouver Sun. “People with a bunch of kids, and all the costs associated with kids, will likely to get caught on that high tier. That very often turns out to be the group that has the least amount of available cash.”

The Vancouver Sun ran an editorial on the issue that echoed Meredith’s argument. “As Simon Fraser University marketing professor Lindsay Meredith explained, families won’t have the flexibility to cut electricity use enough to avoid a big jump, possibly hundreds of dollars, in their power bills.”

  • Earlier, Meredith was on GlobalTV talking about last week’s easing in oil, gasoline and natural gas prices. He said of airline and similar fuel surcharges: “Some of that stuff should start to come down as well.”

The Environment

  • Speaking of things green, the St. John’s Telegram and Nanaimo Daily News picked up a Vancouver Sun feature on how “green” is the latest trend in niche dating. It noted that business prof Boyd Cohen included a green dating component on his website, where he is running his “Greenest Person in the World” contest.