Beedie School of Business NewsDeveloping the mindset of a shrewd investor requires a complex combination of factors, including an appetite for risk, an ability to learn from mistakes, and even luck. Though these factors can largely be taught, it also requires a willingness to make contrarian investments – and it is by resisting the temptation to succumb to the inevitable pressure to follow the herd that brings the greatest returns on investment. Read More... |
Beedie School of Business NewsCentre for Corporate Governance and Sustainability: The role of investors in building sustainable capital marketsMar 01, 2016Despite recent success in making responsible investing more attractive to investors, more support is required from governing bodies to continue the momentum. Though a prevalent attitude that sustainable investment is not profitable continues to exist, money managers are proven to respond to demand – meaning that pressure from clients to consider environmental, social and governance factors in investment strategies would be a huge step towards progress. Read More... |
Beedie School of Business NewsMedia Advisory: Experts examine role of investors in building sustainable capital marketsFeb 23, 2016A panel of ESG (economic, social and governance) experts will discuss how capital is allocated and invested in global, regional and national economies at a special learning and networking event on Thursday, February 25 at 6 p.m. at Simon Fraser University’s Segal Graduate School of Business. Experts from the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the Capital Stewardship Program (SEIU), bcIMC (British Columbia Investment Management Corporation) and SHARE (Shareholders Association for Research & Education) more » Read More... |
Beedie School of Business NewsA rare collection of historical business share certificates has been donated to the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University by former member of the Canadian Senate Jack Austin. Read More... |
Beedie School of Business NewsThe following is an excerpt from the full article published in The Globe and Mail on February 13, 2014. BY JENNIFER LEWINGTON, GLOBE AND MAIL At some Canadian business schools, students learn to manage other people’s money long before landing their first job. They do so through a student-run investment fund, fast becoming a staple of business schools in either for-credit courses or extracurricular activities. Increasingly, these funds use real money (from donors), giving students more » Read More... |
Beedie School of Business NewsLance Uggla, Beedie School of Business alumnus and CEO and co-founder of global financial-services information company Markit, has been announced as winner of the Professional Achievement award in SFU’s 2013 Outstanding Alumni Awards. Each year, SFU and the Alumni Association honour the most accomplished graduates with the Outstanding Alumni Awards. Since being introduced in 1983, the awards have become one of the university’s most celebrated traditions, with nominations for the awards made by alumni, faculty, more » Read More... |
Beedie School of Business NewsThe CIBC Centre for Corporate Governance and Risk Management at Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business in partnership with the Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE) hosted a meeting on February 28 welcoming delegates from the United Nation’s Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI) committee. On the agenda was the role of responsible investing in ensuring risk management and building healthy, sustainable capital markets. Daniel Shapiro, Dean of the Beedie School of Business, introduced more » Read More... |
EQUISResearch projects awarded SSHRC Insight GrantsJun 18, 2012The Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University is pleased to announce that it has been awarded SSHRD Insight Development Grant (IDG) funding for four separate business research initiatives – projects that will bring new understanding and knowledge to the areas of social innovation, capital markets, sustainability and business ethics. Read More... |
Beedie School of Business NewsA ranking of international business schools has rated the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University as among the best in the world for business and management research. The measure, published by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), a leading repository of business academic papers, shows that based on article downloads by institution, Beedie ranks 54th in the world out of more than 1000 business schools included in the survey. Read More... |