
Beedie School of Business News

A panel of ESG (economic, social and governance) experts will discuss how capital is allocated and invested in global, regional and national economies at a special learning and networking event on Thursday, February 25 at 6 p.m. at Simon Fraser University’s Segal Graduate School of Business. Experts from the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the Capital Stewardship Program (SEIU), bcIMC (British Columbia Investment Management Corporation) and SHARE (Shareholders Association for Research & Education) more »


Beedie School of Business News

Interested in learning more about the Beedie School’s newly-launched Business Technology Management Certificate? Beedie School of Business Professor Dianne Cyr, along with professors Jan Kietzmann and Nilesh Saraf, will be on hand at the MISA Mixer on November 16 to discuss the BTM Certificate. The event is also a great opportunity for Management Information Systems (MIS) undergraduate students and young professionals to mingle and build relationships with leading companies. The MISA Mixer brings forth an opportunity for more »