
Beedie School of Business News

Professional sport is undeniably big business. Player contracts and sponsorship deals amount to tens of millions of dollars, with ticket sales, television rights and merchandising totaling billions. One could surmise, therefore, that sport commands a lot of attention in the way of academic research. However, Beedie School of Business associate professor Peter Tingling’s motivation for researching sport is a little less obvious. Rather than the business of professional sports, Tingling’s true research interests lie in more »


Beedie School of Business News

Tom Gaglardi, CEO of Northland Properties Group and owner of the Dallas Stars NHL franchise, shared with a live audience at Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business his experiences as head of one of Canada’s largest hospitality organizations, as well as the new owner of one of North America’s top hockey franchises. The event was part of the Beedie School of Business’ partnership with prominent Vancouver radio station CKNW, which sees SFU’s downtown Vancouver more »


Beedie School of Business News

Peter Tingling says the NHL is fertile ground for studying the role of turmoil in management decision-making. “It’s not just an abstract question. CEO turnover at large companies is at 14 per cent and more and more CEOs are being shown the door. Yahoo and HP of course have both had a series of CEOs but other companies such as Samsung, Wal-Mart, Sony and Rim have also made changes.”

Tingling will present a paper on the study, New Job, Old Job: Does job security help or hinder decision making? at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference in St. John’s Newfoundland on June 11.