
Beedie School of Business News

Beedie School of Business alumna Salina Siu has been given an opportunity all graduates seek – the chance to land her dream job. Siu is one of 150 people selected from over 600,000 applicants to advance to the second round of Tourism Australia’s The Best Jobs in the World competition. With six positions available, Siu is the only Canadian to make the 25-person shortlist for the Chief Funster position. The Chief Funster position is based more »


Beedie School of Business News

As a student initiative to improve cooperation between México, Costa Rica, Panamá, USA, Canada and Puerto Rico, Christina Buiza, third year SFU Communications student will be traveling to Oaxtepec, Mexico to represent AIESEC Simon Fraser University and contribute in sharing her personal knowledge and experiences.

The conference, NAFTA Summit 2011, is being organized for the first time by the world’s largest student-run organization, AIESEC, which exists at over 1,800 university campuses in over 108 different countries. The organization aims to promote peace by organizing intercultural exchange.