New Faculty Open for Business

Sep 01, 1982

Growth and expansion may seem like words from another era, but they still apply to the study of business administration at Simon Fraser University.

As of Sept. 1, the new Faculty of Business Administration has taken over where the former Department of Business Administration left off. This elevation in organizational status is the result of soaring student enrolments and increased interaction with the business and government communities.

From a handful of students when the University opened 17 years ago, Business Administration has grown to boast one of the largest undergraduate programs in Canada. Meanwhile, the faculty’s Institute of Business Studies has been established to encourage and assist outreach programs such as workshops, conferences and research contracts.

As a full-fledged faculty, Business Administration now has its own dean, Dr. Cal Hoyt, and its own degree, a bachelor of business administration. Hoyt says: “Our new status allows us to respond much more effectively to the research and educational needs of this province and this country. We now have a lot more autonomy with which to marshal the resources we need to do the job.”

A number of events have been planned to mark Business Administration’s new status. One of the highlights will be a special Convocation to be held Nov. 23 in Images Theatre. This ceremony will feature presentation of honorary degrees to a number of prominent business and academic leaders. (Details will be released later this fall.)

Another highlight will be a Dec. 16 workshop featuring Kenneth Dye, auditor general of Canada and a graduate of Simon Fraser’s Master of Business Administration program. Dye’s appearance at SFU will follow by a matter of days the release of his annual report on the state of the nation’s finances.

Comprehensive auditing is scheduled as the focus of Dye’s workshop. The roster of participants includes former auditor general James Macdonnell and auditors general from both Alberta and B.C.

On Oct. 19 the Master of Business Administration Association will hold its annual Chief Executive Officer Dinner at the International Plaza Hotel. The guest speaker will be George Fierheller, president and chief executive officer of Premier Cablesystems Ltd. And a member of SFU’s Board of Governors. Faculty members and students are invited.

The Faculty of Business Administration has also planned a number of other seminar/workshops for the benefit of both individuals and organizations. The theme “Getting your money’s worth” shaped development of a three-part series aimed at middle and senior level managers. Specific topics in the series include the purchase and implementation of computer systems (Sept. 23-34), the planning and control of staff training and development programs (Oct. 28-29) and ways of cutting telecommunication costs (Nov. 25-26).

A Nov. 6 workshop will assist middle managers in the development of sound relationships with their superiors. One week later (Nov. 13), a workshop is planned on personal investment and taxation issues.