Management of Technology MBAs establish fund to honour memory of classmate and friend Cecelia Suragh

Nov 17, 2010

November 15, 2010

The establishment of a new fund for Management of Technology MBA students at Simon Fraser University will remember a very special member of the 2009 class.

Cecelia Suragh, a Management of Technology (Biotechnology) MBA candidate, passed away suddenly on June 16, 2010 at the age of 31.

As those within the SFU Business community will attest to, she was a much-admired student, classmate and friend. She was young and full of life, and those who knew her and her beautifully radiant smile were always compelled to foster a longer friendship.

She is missed terribly by her friends and family.

Cecelia grew up in Surrey, BC. When it was time to go to university, she chose to attend SFU for her Bachelor of Science in Cell Biology. In 2007, she decided that learning about business would help her grow both as a person and in her project manager position at the BC Cancer Agency.

This goal led her to pursue her Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from SFU. She completed this diploma in 2008 and decided that she needed to continue to expand her business acumen.  As a proud and loyal SFU student through and through, she returned to SFU for a third time when she joined the SFU Management of Technology (Biotechnology) program in 2009.

The Faculty of Business Administration along with the 2009 Management of Technology MBA cohort has established a fund in Cecelia Suragh’s honor. This fund will be used to support future Management of Technology MBA students at SFU.

To donate online to the Cecelia Suragh Memorial Fund:

1. go to
2. complete the online form as instructed
3. under Gift Information – Designation, select “Fund of your choice (specify below)”
4. in “Other” please indicate “The Cecelia Suragh Memorial Award”
5. complete the rest of the form and submit

To donate by mail to the Cecelia Suragh Memorial Fund:

1. download, complete and submit this document and write a cheque made payable to Simon Fraser University
2. include “The Cecelia Suragh Memorial Award” in the memo of the cheque or in an attached letter
3. send the form and cheque to: Stacey Canuel, SFU, Segal Graduate School of Business, 500 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1W6
SFU, University Advancement, 2118 Strand Hall, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

If you have questions about the fund or require more information please contact Dina Shafey at or Stacey Canuel at or call 778-782-5119.