Beedie School’s RADIUS appoints Director of Ventures

Jun 17, 2013

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Donovan Woollard

Donovan Woollard (right), new Director of RADIUS Ventures with Shawn Smith, co-founder of RADIUS.

RADIUS, the Beedie School of Business’ new interdisciplinary social innovation lab and venture incubator, has appointed Donovan Woollard as Director of RADIUS Ventures.

RADIUS Ventures aims to become a world-leading incubator and accelerator program for impact-focused ventures, nurturing the best and brightest ideas from SFU and around the globe. With financial support from Vancity Credit Union and SFU, it will seed the ecosystem with high potential social ventures, and help to maximize the collective impact of entrepreneurs, investors, and support organizations.

Woollard, who brings with him a wealth of experience in business development in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, will be responsible for refining and delivering RADIUS Ventures’ offering to entrepreneurs and ventures in the impact space, and supporting its financial sustainability.

“As someone who has dedicated his entire career to building ventures that promote environmental and social well-being, joining the RADIUS team is a fantastic opportunity, providing exposure to world-beating new ventures, thought leadership, and amazing talent,” said Woollard. “The Vancouver social venture space just got a lot more exciting, and it’s great to be a part of it.”

He will identify talent from SFU and beyond, and ensure that the ventures RADIUS works with are prepared for investment.

“Donovan brings a unique background helping many impactful companies and projects navigate the very challenges that the teams we work with will face,” said Shawn Smith, adjunct professor at the Beedie School of Business and co-founder of RADIUS. “It’s hard to imagine a better fit as we set out to help BC’s social venture ecosystem further establish itself among the best in the world, and explore ways we can contribute to impact investing nationally and internationally.”

Launched in spring 2013, RADIUS (RADical Ideas, Useful to Society) seeks to change business education and launch high-impact solutions to social challenges.

In addition to RADIUS Ventures, RADIUS also boasts an Innovation pillar, which brings together students from across SFU to develop creative solutions to wicked social problems, and a Community pillar to build the community and culture of social entrepreneurship and innovation at SFU and across BC.

For more information about RADIUS, visit

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