McGraw-Hill Ryerson Announces 2008 Scholarship Winners

Oct 16, 2008

SFU Business undergrad students Kyle Jackson and Jessica Kit-Sum Tang were recognized as two of 20 students across Canada who have been selected for McGraw-Hill Ryerson’s 3rd Annual Student Scholarship Award. They will each receive a $1000 award and Certificate signed by the President of the Higher Education Division. SFU Business undergrad students Kyle Jackson and Jessica Kit-Sum Tang were recognized as two of 20 students across Canada who have been selected for McGraw-Hill Ryerson’s 3rd Annual Student Scholarship Award. They will each receive a $1000 award and Certificate signed by the President of the Higher Education Division.

The scholarship was conceived in 2006 to reinforce higher education institutional focus on the students learning experience. It recognizes those who enhance the teaching and learning environment in Canada by display integrity, leadership, engagement, and initiative.

To be eligible, students are nominated by their professors and finalists are chosen based on the student’s academic and personal integrity, classroom engagement, and initiative. To nominate one of your outstanding student, visit