SFU PhD student receives Experiential Classroom’s Outstanding Teacher award

Oct 06, 2010

October 6, 2010

A PhD student from SFU Business has received the Outstanding Teacher Award from a globally recognized university clinic devoted to teaching in the area of entrepreneurship.

Kirk Plangger, a marketing PhD student at Simon Fraser University, attended the Experiential Classroom program at the Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University from September 23 to 26, where he garnered the prize. Most of the participants in attendance were PhDs and seasoned university teachers from North America and around the world.

Plangger, who taught a detailed entrepreneurship case with two teaching colleagues to Oklahoma State undergraduate students, beat out 80 other delegates for the honour.

“We tried to make the case really interactive, friendly, and engaging,” said Plangger, who is a Teaching Assistant in the MBA, Executive MBA and Graduate Diploma in Business Administration programs at Simon Fraser University’s Faculty of Business Administration.

The four-day teaching program in its entirety, he noted, “gave me some great skills and knowledge, as well as meeting fantastic people – it was a great networking experience.”

Plangger’s supervisors in the PhD program at SFU Business are professors Leyland Pitt and Michael Parent. “I have learned a lot from watching Leyland and Michael in the classroom, because they are both great case teachers,” Plangger said.

The Experiential Classroom was launched in 2000 as part of the Lifelong Learning for Entrepreneurship Education Professionals (LLEEP) partnership. The partnership was formed in 1998 when a group of leading academics met to explore the future of entrepreneurship education and address the growing need for high-quality teachers in the field. More than 700 faculty from around the world have attended the Experiential Classroom over the past 10 years.

The program was sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation, the US Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Oklahoma State University, the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, the University of Colorado at Boulder, the Beyster Institute, Stanford University, the Foundation for Enterprise Development and Stellenbosch University.

For more information, please contact:

Derek Moscato
Director, Marketing and Communications
SFU Business

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