Research Kudos

Mar 01, 2007

Professor Lindsay Meredith has won an Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence for his article “A diagrammatical template for business market demand estimation” which appeared in the Industrial Marketing Management May 2006 (Vol 35, No 4). This award salutes the 50 best articles published in 2006 in management.

SFU Business professor Peter Klein, SFU MA graduate Eddy Kou and SFU Economics professor Robert Jones recently won the Best Derivatives Paper award at the 2006 Northern Finance Association annual meeting in Montreal. The paper, Vulnerable European Options: How Important is the Risk of Early Default?, examines the valuation of options subject to credit risk and finds that modeling the precise timing of financial distress is a relatively unimportant consideration.

SFU Business professor Hemant Merchant‘s case study about a small Thai company that grew from a small player in the Thai tuna industry to the world’s largest player and then dissolved into bankruptcy was a Best Case finalist at the 2006 Academy of Management’s Dark Side Case Competition. The case study, Unicord Plc: The Bumble Bee Acquisition is published in a casebook on international strategy, Strategic Management: Competitiveness And Globalization.

SFU Business professors Leyland Pitt, Ian McCarthy and Steven Kates are mentioned in the January 15th issue of The Economist for their entry in the journal Business Horizons (Vol. 50, Issue 1, January/February 2007) titled When Customers Get Clever: Managerial Approaches to Dealing with Creative Consumers.

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