Students taking initiative to cross borders for a better world

Oct 14, 2011

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Submitted by Salina Siu, AIESEC

As a student initiative to improve cooperation between México, Costa Rica, Panamá, USA, Canada and Puerto Rico, Christina Buiza, third year SFU student will be traveling to Oaxtepec, Mexico to represent AIESEC Simon Fraser University and contribute in sharing her personal knowledge and experiences.

The conference, NAFTA Summit 2011, is being organized for the first time by the world’s largest student-run organization, AIESEC, which exists at over 1,800 university campuses in over 108 different countries. The organization aims to promote peace by organizing intercultural exchange.

“You can’t sit around hoping for a change in the world, you need to take action and do it yourself.” says Buiza, passionate about contributing personally to societal change. “And that’s exactly what AIESEC allows me to do.”

The main purpose of this congress is to bring North American countries and some in the Caribbean together in order to collaborate on ways to work together in the future, educate on the market realities in their countries, and share knowledge about sales and AIESEC.

The NAFTA Summit 2011 aims to develop agreements and increase the number of work and volunteer exchanges through the international AIESEC network. Buiza notes that the more students AIESEC is able to send on exchange, the more AIESEC will be able to offer youth driven impactful experiences to its members.

The NAFTA Summit 2011 is taking place from October 14-16 for three days in Oaxtepec, Mexico with 50 delegates, six coming from Canada, two are from Vancouver.

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