Beedie School set to host leading global social capital and entrepreneurship scholars

Apr 16, 2012

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The Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University is hosting some of the world’s foremost experts in the areas of entrepreneurship and social capital at the Segal Graduate School in downtown Vancouver this week at a special academic conference.

Entitled Social Capital and Entrepreneurship: Catalyst or Retardant?, the two-day event takes place on April 20 and 21, bringing together outstanding international and Canadian scholars. They will workshop a series of interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed manuscripts on the relationship between various form of social capital and entrepreneurial activity in commercial, social and cultural contexts.

Social capital represents the value that is embedded in relationships among people and networks. “This is a topic that is of interest to practitioners and scholars in the fields of entrepreneurship, organizational theory, and many of the social sciences,” said Beedie School of Business Professor and event chair Eric Gedajlovic. “This week’s conference highlights the impact the Beedie School has made in this area in terms of both research publication but also collaboration with other business schools globally.”

Topics covered will include access to financial resources in entrepreneurial settings, entrepreneurial and alliance networks, and social capital in the context of start-ups as well as institutional development.

Working papers to be presented have been selected through a highly competitive review process by reviewers and editors of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ET&P), one of the leading academic journals in the field of entrepreneurship.

The Beedie School of Business acknowledges the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for their funding in support of this conference.

Prof. Eric Gedajlovic

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