Beedie undergraduate Nick Heng lands gold at MMICC
Apr 08, 2015

Beedie School of Business undergraduate student Nick Heng was a member of the team that won gold at the 2015 McGill Management International Case Competition.
Beedie School of Business undergraduate student Nick Heng took home the gold medal at the prestigious McGill Management International Case Competition (MMICC), a world-class undergraduate competition with a focus on globalization, innovation and multidisciplinary thinking.
Heng was a member of the winning team, Team International, comprised of four invited students from top business schools across the globe. In addition to Heng, a team of Beedie School of Business undergraduate students Kelly Yang, Carmela Luongo, Julia Luu, and Natalie Lau represented Beedie in the competition.
The competition, hosted by McGill University from March 15 to 21, gives teams 32 hours to work through a business scenario, identify key priorities, weigh benefits and address risks, before drafting a strategic plan that they must present to a corporate judging panel.
This year’s case focused on Fortune Global 500 pharmaceutical company McKesson Corporation. Guest judges included both the CTO of McKesson Canada and the Vice President of McKesson Canada Hospital Automation Solutions.
“The Beedie students committed the last six months for training and represented their School with utmost professionalism and pride,” says Beedie School of Business lecturer Kamal Masri, who coached the students in the competition. “I was extremely pleased and very proud of the performance of our students. Once again they demonstrated dedication and excellence in applying the skills and knowledge learned at SFU.”
In finishing first, Heng parlayed the extensive case competition experience to which he has been exposed during his studies at the Beedie School of Business into further success. He had previously earned podium places at the Inter-Collegiate Business Case Competition in Ontario, the International Case Competition at Maastricht, and helped the Beedie School of Business take the title of Academic School of the Year in 2013 at JDC West.
“Competing on Team International on behalf of Beedie was an extraordinary experience,” says Heng. “The dynamics of being a member of Team International was a challenge, but also extremely rewarding. The only communication we had prior to the competition was through email and one Skype meeting to see each others’ faces.”
Founded in 2001, the McGill Management International Case Competition has welcomed schools from over 20 countries to date. Organized with the close collaboration of the Montreal business community, MMICC is the largest student-run event at the university’s Desautels Faculty of Management.
To learn more about Nick Heng’s Beedie experience read his Beedie Engaged profile.