Media Matters – SFU Business in the News – August 14

Aug 14, 2009

How SFU Business fared in the news for the week ending August 14, 2009.

BC News

  • The Epoch Times ran stories on two SFU profs talking about the HST: Jon Kesselman, economist and public policy prof, who argues that the tax is good economics, and marketing prof Lindsay Meredith on the public outcry against the tax and/or the manner of its introduction.

National News

  • The Financial Post section of National Post looked at customer loyalty programs, and in particular the SCENE cards program introduced by Cineplex and Scotiabank in 2007.  Among others, the paper quoted SFU’s Leyland Pitt. “‘The really successful loyalty or frequency programs are the ones where the reward is attainable,’ says Leyland Pitt, professor of commerce at Simon Fraser University. ‘You don’t say, if you spend $50-million you can get a free trip to Hawaii.’”