
SFU Beedie School of Business receives Net Impact’s Gold Chapter standing

Aug 5, 2016

Net Impact has announced the 2016 Gold standings for Net Impact chapters, awarding Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business the prestigious Gold standing. These standings, based on the chapter’s performance this past academic year, represent the most outstanding chapters in the Net Impact network. This year, just 38% of over 300 Net Impact chapters worldwide achieved Gold standing. “Of our network of over 300 chapters worldwide, Net Impact’s Gold chapters represent the brightest, most more »


Bocconi Campus Abroad program builds cross-cultural connections

Aug 2, 2016

The Beedie School of Business continues to build strong ties in international business education through the Bocconi Campus Abroad program. For three weeks in July a cohort of 29 students from the Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi in Milan traveled to Vancouver to take a condensed course in marketing with a select number of Beedie students. The Bocconi Campus Abroad program has been active for nine years, with a different topic being co-taught by two Bocconi more »


Jack Austin Centre: Why China is undergoing State-owned Enterprise reform

Jul 13, 2016

As China’s economy slows to a medium-high growth forecast, the government has revealed plans for structural reforms around State-owned Enterprises (SOEs). Though these reforms offer opportunity for the Chinese economy, they are not without potential pitfalls.


Commitment to community earns Kamal Masri Surrey Leader award

Jul 7, 2016

A dedication to community engagement and a passion for experiential learning have earned Beedie School of Business lecturer Kamal Masri a Surrey Leader Community Leaders Award.


Graduate Certificate brings Ben Britton’s invention closer to market

Jul 6, 2016

When Ben Britton took the stage at the Hong Kong-Canada National Investment Pitch Competition on June 3 in Calgary, he presented with the confidence of a professional. He knew his product, he knew his market, and he knew he could sway the judges to hand him the $50,000 grand prize – which they did – along with the opportunity to meet investors in Hong Kong.


Sarah Lubik to advise on Government of Canada’s Innovation Agenda

Jun 30, 2016

Sarah Lubik, Director of Entrepreneurship at Simon Fraser University, has been named one of Canada’s ten Innovation Leaders who will help form the nation’s Innovation Agenda.


HQ Vancouver: Why global gaming giants set up shop in Vancouver

Jun 28, 2016

Vancouver is home to some global-leading organizations in thriving industries: visual effects, performance apparel, and information and communications technology to name but a few. Yet perhaps somewhat surprisingly, given the prominence of the great outdoors in Vancouver’s identity, one industry in which the city is a true global leader is gaming.


Globe and Mail: Entrepreneurs fuel school’s startup agenda

Jun 28, 2016

The following is an excerpt from an article published by the Globe and Mail in the Business Education section on June 23. By Jennifer Lewington. 


Charles Chang: Entrepreneurial instinct

Jun 20, 2016

A historic gift from SFU Beedie School of Business alumnus Charles Chang underscores the School’s commitment to entrepreneurship and innovation.


SFU receives $10 million donation to establish new institute for entrepreneurship

Jun 17, 2016

Vega founder Charles Chang makes one of the largest gifts in SFU history.
