
Social Entrepreneurship

RADIUS launches new student social entrepreneurship initiatives

Dec 2, 2014

RADIUS, the Beedie School of Business’ social innovation lab and venture incubator, has launched two new initiatives designed to transform students at Simon Fraser University into the next generation of game-changing social entrepreneurs.


SFU’s RADIUS awarded new grant to drive social change

Nov 14, 2014

A major new award will see the Beedie School of Business’ social venture lab and incubator RADIUS strengthen its position as a thought-leader in changing higher education in Canada and launching high-impact solutions to social challenges.


SFU’s RADIUS Ventures launches second Slingshot cohort

Oct 28, 2014

An online marketplace for BC wineries, a company with an innovative organics processing technology, and a student talent crowd-sourcing platform are among the social ventures that will receive expert mentoring in the second annual SFU RADIUS Ventures Slingshot cohort.


BBA graduate Amit Bhagat: Community engagement enriches lives

Jun 30, 2014

The following story was published by SFU News on June 10, 2014.


RADIUS launches two new venture accelerator initiatives

Jun 23, 2014

RADIUS, the Beedie School of Business’ social venture lab and venture incubator, has launched two new venture accelerator programs aimed at nurturing early stage social initiatives and providing social entrepreneurs with the tools required to bring their ventures to market.


New report supports Vancouver’s Housing and Homelessness Strategy

Apr 29, 2014

A new report co-produced by a Simon Fraser University Beedie School of Business initiative aims to help the City of Vancouver provide supportive housing for marginalized individuals.


Enactus SFU earns triple gold at Regional Exposition

Mar 14, 2014

A trio of Enactus SFU teams has advanced to the national finals after taking home the gold in their respective categories at the Enactus Western Regional Competition.


President’s Dream Colloquium: Jonathan Lewis defines Social Entrepreneurship

Mar 14, 2014

Social entrepreneurship is undoubtedly a hot topic in business circles these days – indeed, the Beedie School of Business has a social innovation laboratory and venture incubator, RADIUS, dedicated to the subject. So what exactly is social entrepreneurship?


RADIUS and Ashoka Canada bring Changemaker Showcase to SFU

Feb 20, 2014

The Beedie School of Business’ interdisciplinary social innovation lab and venture incubator, RADIUS, in conjunction with Ashoka Canada, will host the second annual SFU Changemaker Showcase, a celebration of the brightest ideas and social innovators at Simon Fraser University. The SFU Changemaker Showcase will provide an opportunity to celebrate some of the brightest ideas and innovators at SFU who are working to foment positive change in the community and beyond. It will feature three TED-style […]


Globe and Mail: Universities that teach you to change the world

Oct 23, 2013

The following extract is from an article published in the Globe and Mail on October 22, 2013, and features commentary from David Dunne, Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Beedie School of Business, and chair of RADIUS. New initiatives are popping up on campuses across the country. This fall, the University of British Columbia in Burnaby, B.C., offered a new course, informally known as Entrepreneurship 101 and developed in collaboration with its Sauder School of Business, for […]
